Fortnite Friday: Week 7 challenges, Score Royale, heavy sniper and rift-to-go

Credit: Epic Games
Credit: Epic Games

Fortnite Friday is a weekly review of what is going on in the world of Fortnite. We cover the battle pass challenges, new game modes and any update information you need to know.

Fortnite Friday is a weekly column covering everything happening around the popular 100-person multiplayer showdown game, Fortnite: Battle Royale. This week we take a look at a new weapon, a game changing item and a fun new LTM for all types of players.

Score Royale is Fortnite for those who aren’t world-class gunsmiths or builders. Epic Games has managed to come up with a game mode that is fun for all types of players, especially those who love to explore the map and forage goods.

The developers at epic have also made some massive changes to general game play, introducing new items and weapons and gearing up for the end of season 5 in a few weeks (anyone else see that lightning bolt?).

First, let’s start by getting your week 7 battle pass challenges done.

Free challenges

Visit different named locations in a single match (0/4)

This seems somewhat daunting but it won’t be difficult. If you make it far enough in a match you’ll probably complete this task without even trying. If you want to bang it out quickly though, hit Wailing Woods, Lonely Lodge, Risky Reels and Tomato Temple for a quick and relatively safe four-location lap.

Search supply drops (0/3)

Fight with squad members over incoming supply drops or play a few 50v50 matches to get this challenge done. Three shouldn’t be hard to come by before the end of the week.

SMG eliminations (0/3)

Simple enough, especially given the recent boost to SMG weapons in the game. Your best bet is obviously the compact SMG (P90) which remains the most powerful weapon in the game for mid-range action.

Battle pass challenges

Deal damage to opponents structures with remote explosives (0/8000)

Nice, Epic. Nerf the remote explosives and lower the amount we’re allowed to carry to a point where they’ve become relatively useless then have us dish out 8000 damage in what might be the most annoying challenge this season. Whatever. Find old structures and blow them up so you don’t have to waste your time carrying C4 in a meaningful battle.

Stage 1: Search a chest in Pleasant Park (0/1)

A play on the boring old treasure chest challenges. This week, you’ll have to follow the stages of different areas to find chests. This is a fresh new idea to avoid landing in one location a million times to work towards your chest totals. Well done, Epic Games.

Follow the treasure map found in Dusty Divot (0/1)

You can find the treasure map here or watch this video to help you get to the free star.

Eliminate opponents in Lazy Links (0/3)

This is easy enough as the location is still somewhat busy given how new it is and there will be a lot of action here in the next week. Aim for the ATK’s as some players will duck out and try to escape the area once they realize how many others are around.

Update v5.3 patch notes and news

Heavy Sniper – Introduced to the game last week, the heavy sniper annihilates both enemies and structures in one shot. Available in epic and legendary variants, the new sniper rifle dishes out 150/157 damage to opponents and crushes walls in one shot. It takes an hour to reload but if your aim is on point, it’s worth it.

Rift-to-go – The Rift-to-go is quite possibly the biggest addition to the game since the moving map at the end of matches. The ability to create an instant rift works on many levels.

This can be your “get out of jail free” card if you are surrounded or losing a firefight, it can give you high ground in any situation and it can get you out of the storm in an instant. This is quite possibly the most powerful item to have in your loadout.

Tomato Temple – Tomato Town is now Tomato Temple and we’re not sure where this sudden obsession with tomatoes came from but we are definitely on board. Check out the newest emote to hit the item shop. Weird, but oddly hilarious.

Limited time game modes

Score Royale – Score royale is a fun new way to play Fortnite. In this LTM, the goal is to be the first player to reach 2,000 points. Points are collected by eliminations, opening chests, ammo boxes, llamas and supply drops, foraging items and collecting Fortnite coins around the map.

The coins range from 30 points (bronze), to 50 points (silver) to 100 points (gold) and spawn around the map multiple times throughout the game.

One of the best parts of Score Royale is that the game shows you how far behind the leader you are at any given time, or which place you are in if you are in the top five. This provides an adrenaline rush to find more chests, coins or eliminate opponents. Here is the full scoring chart:

Credit: Epic Games

Elimination of the week

This week’s EOTW comes from popular streamer Courage JD, who gets all too hyped for a victory royale after a battle between the new heavy snipers.

If you come across anything we might have missed or have any ideas on what should be included in these posts in the future, hit me on Twitter @TheRealBruin. Until next week!