Green Lanterns #56 exclusive preview: Cyborg Superman triumphant?

Image credit: DC Entertainment
Image credit: DC Entertainment

Can Simon Baz and an injured John Stewart save the day without their rings against one of Hal Jordan’s most vicious and personal enemies?

Hank Henshaw, a.ka. the Cyborg Superman, has committed a lot of heinous things in his time. Considering he once wiped out Coast City, the place Hal Jordan called home, it’s not an exaggeration to say that he’s one of the most vile villains in all of DC Comics lore. That means any situation where he has the upper hand is a dire one, and that’s an apt description of the status quo at the beginning of Green Lanterns #56.

Almost all of the Green Lantern Corps are already prisoners of Henshaw and his Ravagers after he sabotaged the central power battery. Thanks to the combined power of Eon and the Phantom Ring, not only are Jordan, Jessica Cruz, Kyle Rayner, Guy Gardner and Kilowog already held captive, they can’t even fight back because Cyborg Superman can simply use their rings against them.

As you can see in our exclusive preview of Green Lanterns #56, only Simon Baz is left to save the day, unless he can get some help from John Stewart. Problem: John is more than a little the worse for wear, still recovering from injuries and not even close to 100 percent.

Dan Jurgens and Mike Perkins have the Green Lanterns in quite the predicament in part seven of “Evil’s Might,” as you can see here:

Green Lanterns #56 cover
Image credit: DC Entertainment
Green Lanterns #56 p. 1
Image credit: DC Entertainment
Green Lanterns #56 p. 2
Image credit: DC Entertainment
Green Lanterns #56 p. 3
Image credit: DC Entertainment
Green Lanterns #56 p. 4
Image credit: DC Entertainment
Green Lanterns #56 p. 5
Image credit: DC Entertainment

That’s some serious self-guilt by Simon, by the way, something longtime fans of Hal will recognize all too well. To find out if he can redeem himself, pick up Green Lanterns #56 this Wednesday, Oct. 3, wherever you get your new comics or digitally at