Manifest continues with episode 103, “Turbulence.” A passenger is found dead, but who killed her? Here’s what you need to know to watch it on TV and online.
Things are about to get bumpy on this week’s episode of Manifest as one of the passengers from Flight 828 is found dead, apparently murdered, and a discovery about Cal leads to even more questions.
The murdered passenger is the same woman who appeared on television despite government warnings to keep quiet. Fueling speculation of conspiracy theories on television is a surefire way to attract the wrong kind of attention. Ben and Michaela know that they’re being watched, especially after the plane exploded, so they decide to look into the death on their own.
Here is the episode description of “Turbulence:”
“Michaela and Ben investigate the murder of a fellow Flight 828 passenger; Saanvi discovers an unusual marker in Cal’s blood that wasn’t there before; Ben worries for the safety of his family; Michaela is urged to own her truth.”
As the mystery surrounding what happened to Flight 828 unfurls, so too does the danger. Ben knows that his family is a target, and if Saanvi’s discovery involves Cal’s blood then they’re even bigger targets.
The murder poses an interesting dilemma. Will the suspect turn out to be someone from the flight, someone with an agenda against the passengers or someone who was targeting the victim specifically. Any of the three options will yield interesting results, but if it means that the passengers are under attack then it changes things very quickly for the people who came back.
Here’s everything you need to know to watch Manifest:
Date: Monday, Oct. 8
Start Time: 10:00 p.m.
Episode: “Turbulence”
TV Channel: NBC
Live Stream: Watch live on Fubo TV. Sign up now for a free seven-day trial. You can also watch on the NBC website or app.
Manifest airs Mondays at 10:00 p.m. on NBC.