Can we trust Odell Beckham to be the leader of the New York Giants?

(Photo by Grant Halverson/Getty Images)
(Photo by Grant Halverson/Getty Images) /

While Odell Beckham insists that everything’s fine with his teammates, should we really believe him?

In an interview with ESPN that aired this past Sunday, New York Giants receiver Odell Beckham Jr. made a series of controversial statements.  Beckham alongside Lil’ Wayne and Josina Anderson, openly criticized the Giants offensive staff scheme, stated he wasn’t sure if Eli Manning was the problem and said it was a “tough question” to answer on whether he was happy in New York.

Of course, Beckham’s comments didn’t go well with the media and definitely didn’t go well with his coach, Pat Shurmur.

At the press conference Sunday following the Giants last-second loss to the Panthers, Shumur delegated any question asked about Beckham, to Beckham himself. While Beckham did apologize to his teammates, he isn’t too worried about a rift between he and the team. Per Beckham, everything within the team is kosher.

"“Yeah, I think we all understand each other,” Beckham said. “Like I said, there’s nothing that is going to come in between my brothers, my teammates. This is something that is going to pull us closer. I felt very close as a team this Sunday, and that’s the way that we have to play. That’s the way we’re going to fight.“Nobody in here likes to lose. We’re all tired of losing. We want to change that culture, atmosphere, whatever it is, because this is a place that has a lot of pride and we want to be able to be proud of what we display and do all those things.”"

There are two primary issues with Beckham’s comments. First, the Giants are counting on Beckham to be a leader, just as they are counting on his paycheck to reflect his performances on the field. Secondly, when the comments were made, the Giants were only a quarter of a way into the NFL season. While things aren’t looking as sunny as he and perhaps the Giants predicted, the season, even with last Sunday’s loss to the Panthers, is still young.

With Beckham’s history for me-centric behavior, it’s hard to believe that his fellow Giants teammates are growing tiresome of his antics. The media is a powerful tool if used right, and perhaps no player on the Giants wants to pour gasoline on an already-bad fire so it would be best not to refute Beckham’s claims. But, it’s hard to believe that the Giants weren’t as a whole taken aback by his comments and Beckham’s behavior as a whole.

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In the end, though we can only trust what Beckham says at the moment. Hopefully, this entire ordeal will influence the Giants to turn their season around before it’s too late.