WWE Evolution 2018 review: What we learned, takeaways, future projections

Photo credit: Official WWE Twitter account
Photo credit: Official WWE Twitter account /
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Photo credit: Official WWE Twitter account
Photo credit: Official WWE Twitter account /

The Riott Squad vs. Bayley, Sasha Banks and Natalya

What we learned: As far as storylines go, we didn’t really learn much here so if we learned anything, it’s something we essentially already knew and that’s that this roster is deep. Just look at the talent that was in this match. On one side, we know that all the members of The Riott Squad can go. On the other, three of the most talented women to ever step foot in a WWE ring were there with Bayley, Sasha Banks and of course, Natalya.

I’m not going to pretend that this match wasn’t without its faults. The big knee spot from Sasha was botched twice and there were a few other missteps, but overall, this was a fun match. The story being told in the ring was very good and there were a number of great near-falls. The pace was excellent and every person in the match got some time to shine.

It looked at one time that Sasha may have turned on Bayley but that was a bad camera angle as it turned out that The Boss had gotten thrown into The Hugger to break up a near-fall. It looked as if The Riott Squad might pull off the upset, but in the end, it was Bayley, Banks and Nattie picking up the victory. This was a good match to throw in the middle of the show. It certainly wasn’t the best of the night but it was still entertaining and had a fun finish. And that double Sharpshooter from Nattie was sick.


What’s next: We’ll still probably see some of these competitors go at it for the next couple of weeks in a one-on-one capacity as we head towards Survivor Series. All six are likely to end up in some sort of traditional Survivor Series match next month.