WWE Evolution 2018 review: What we learned, takeaways, future projections

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Photo credit: Official WWE Twitter account /

Last Woman Standing Match for the SmackDown Women’s Championship

Becky Lynch (c) vs. Charlotte Flair

What we learned: I think we learned here that we should have gotten a Last Woman Standing Match a long time ago. It essentially turned into a TLC match and I’m completely okay with that.  This thing got physical in a hurry.

It didn’t take but a few minutes to get some weaponry involved. It started with a simple kendo stick but before you knew it, there were 15 chairs and a table in the ring. Charlotte took some big bumps onto the pile of chairs, including what looked like a Rock Bottom that had to be very painful. But Flair fought back and after overshooting a moonsault onto Becky, who was laid out on the table, the seven-time champ went back up and simplified things a bit to make sure that table got broken.

The ladder then made its way in and Charlotte took the big hit there as well as Becky slammed her onto the steel and the Nassau crowd was going crazy for this whole series of events, as I imagine was most of the WWE Universe. But Charlotte then fought back, getting Becky tangled up in the ladder to inflict some damage on the legs and actually got the Figure Eight locked in. Becky was tapping but … you know, no tapping in a Last Woman Standing Match.

The action continued into the stands for a few minutes and then back down to the ringside area where announce tables and more ladders were used as weapons, and Becky dropped a big leg off the ladder through Charlotte (and the table) before burying her with chairs and pieces of the table and anything else she could find. But Charlotte was still able to get back up at the count of nine, much to the dismay of the live crowd.

Yet another table came into play on the other side of the ring, and Charlotte took the big hit there as well. She was setting up for her patented top-rope moonsault to the outside, but Becky Lynch popped up, hit her with a big powerbomb through the wood and that was finally it. What an incredible match this was. The action was fierce throughout and there was never a dull moment. Match of the night.



What’s next: This was a fitting end to this fantastic rivalry … at least for now. This has been going on for months and it is time to move on. This may be the biggest win of Becky’s career, and what a night to do that. Charlotte will have the title around her waist again at some point, but I’m glad that WWE recognizes that this is Becky’s time. A new challenger will arise, and it will be up to The Irish Lasskicker to remain at this high level without Charlotte to battle. I have no doubt she’ll be up for it.