Mac is in a bad place on the latest Ray Donovan episode, which means Ray is also equally in a bad place as walls close in from all sides of those caught in the proxy war by Winslow.
This recap contains spoilers for Ray Donovan season 6, episode 7.
Emerson Lake wants the Mayor taken down, and if Mac doesn’t deliver the goods on him, he has no use for him. Lake made certain Mac understood just how serious matters are on the latest episode, threatening to put Mac away in a calm, measured tone if time keeps standing still on the case. Mac would only have one person to turn to on the matter, ironically the man who had just been taken into custody and tortured by way of stun gun at their department … The man they call Ray Donovan.
Surprisingly, Ray did not respond with much empathy to the matter at all throughout the episode. Although things got off one the wrong foot when Mac told Ray he has to work with them, to think of his family, though he meant it in a friend way rather than as a threat. It’s only later on when Emerson would personally meet with Ray and told him they’re on the same side, they both want the Mayor gone …
And he knows what Ray has been up to lately, so that Ray changed his tune to helping Mac.

The deal is simple: Eventually the Mayor will get taken down by Lake all the same, though Anita Novak’s campaign for Mayor and her permanent reputation would have to be the sacrifice. Lake explained that the whole deal about the prison has to do with kickbacks the Mayor has been getting for people being put away there for around $4.5 million. That Winslow will get what she wants eventually, it’ll just take longer.
Ray would later speak to Mac and express disappointment in the fact Mac had been wearing a wire. Mac told Ray he didn’t know what to do and he never meant for these troubles to come back to Ray. To which Ray responded, “But it did.” Ray would have Mac arrest Justine’s brother on drug charges on purpose.

Above: Ray would arrive at Justine’s apartment with a member of a television news crew and explain to her that she needs to go on the show and tell the world the whole scene at the park was a hoax. Ray then told Justine her brother was being held as of this morning but he can get him out.
Justine would comply and go on television to say she was paid $50,000 to do it but never met the man who crafted the plan. This took Lena by surprise when watching it on television, though Ray had requested she omit both Lena’s and his own name.

Above: Mac had made a deal with Mikey that he would get a seat at the Mayor’s table if he brought down Novak… However, Mikey would not come through after all, telling Mac the Mayor still wanted Winslow gone as well. That what Mac had accomplished with Ray was not enough, and that he’s not asking Mac to get Ray to take down Winslow too but ordering him.
Mac knows what will happen to him at Attica as well as his family if he doesn’t deliver on his promise to Lake. And now it’s up to a third party once again in Ray.

Above: Lena had gathered Bridget from her apartment and had her call Smitty as well. Mickey made an unexpected visit to Bridget’s apartment (Smitty had just arrived) to say his potential last goodbyes physically. He only got to talk to her on the phone, and she just wanted her grandfather to put Smitty back on the phone. Even when Mickey told Bridget, “He just wanted her to know that he loved her,” it seemingly didn’t phase her. Mickey would leave but not before remarking, “Tell Bridget I wish I’d been a better grandfather,” to Smitty.
When Ray returned he was first asked by Lena if it was worth it now that Winslow will be after him? He told Lena, “He’ll figure something out.” Meanwhile, Bridget asked her father angrily “How many miles is it going to take before she’s away from all of this?” She told him he’s always sorry.

Above: Ray would drink himself asleep, only to wake up with a mysterious figure sitting across from him. Presumably, Sam Winslow’s replacement fixer. He would punch Ray out.

Above: Mickey got a full blown disguise including a wig and Boogie Nights style outfit as Smitty called it. He’d feel abandoned by his entire family. As Mickey waited to start a new life he spotted a newspaper with his attempted bus robbery on the cover and a photo. He had a feeling he was recognized so he rushed out of the building, and actually pushed a cop away in the ensuing mayhem, drawing unnecessary attention.

Above: Bunchy had an emotional breakdown in a Church in Boston after going with Terry and Daryll to see the tombstones of Mary (his mother) and Bridget Donovan (her sister). He’d told Terry he was thinking about turning himself in when Terry came up with the idea to go to Boston. The three would get into a rumble at a bar against some badmouthing patrons. Bunchy presumably spotted Sandy Patrick smoking a cigarette before she got in her car, he would run after the car …
Check out a recap of last week’s Ray Donovan episode “A Girl Named Maria” with Mickey and Bunchy going on a father/son robbery spree!