Diana has been captured as Baldwin arrives at Sept Tours. Will Matthew be able to find her in time? Here’s your recap of A Discovery of Witches episode 6.
Diana went out for a run at the end of episode 5 and was whisked into the air. She’s flying high with Satu as Gerbert goes to work with his magic witch head.
Satu drops Diana into a courtyard and Gerbert appears. He’s impressed with Satu’s ability to fly. He’s also impressed with Diana’s scent. He can smell Matthew all over her, but when he gets too close to Diana, Satu is protective because she wants at her first. Once she has her answers, then he can go to work. Satu blocks all of the escapes and wants to put Diana’s powers to the test. Though Diana denies having any powers, Satu won’t accept it. Diana should have been able to fly when Satu dropped her, but she didn’t.
No matter how much she denies it, Satu insists that she’s a Bishop and her parents should have taught her how to use her magic. Satu wants to see the power, and she vows to help her control it. Diana doesn’t consider herself to be alone in this journey, which angers Satu, who says she should cooperate if she wants to escape Gerbert. She tries to bait Diana using Gillian, but Diana won’t back down because she knows that everyone is being controlled by Knox. But when Diana learns that Gillian is dead, she cracks a bit.
Satu tries to attack her, but Diana fights back. This pleases Satu, who sees that Diana can protect her mind.
Gerbert talks to Witch Head and tries to sort out which witch is the dark or light one.
When Satu invokes Diana’s parents, Diana flies into a rage. But Satu knows the truth, or at least she claims to know. She guesses that if what Diana says about her parents is true, then they died covering up the secrets about her.
Matthew wakes up and realizes that he’s alone. He can’t feel Diana’s presence anywhere, which is cause for concern.
Satu starts to cast a spell. It’s an opening spell, and Diana realizes that she’s in trouble. Satu lifts Diana into the air and demands to know her secrets. She flings her to the ground, again and again.
In Madison, Emily is casting a spell of her own. When she looks into the water, the smoke rises and she knocks it away, calling for Sarah. She saw Diana, who is in a great deal of pain.
Satu hangs Diana upside down and lights the fire in a ring around her. She uses the fire to cut into Diana’s flesh.
Matthew races through the house looking for Diana, and then he hears the helicopter. Outside, Marthe waits to greet Baldwin. When Matthew finds him he attacks, biting him. He demands to know where he has taken her but Baldwin doesn’t have her. Marthe comes in and says she can smell another witch in the garden.
Satu burns Diana’s back with her opening spell, and then she passes out next to Diana.
Matthew traces the scent in the garden and realizes that a witch flew in and took her. Baldwin knows that Knox doesn’t have those kinds of powers, so it must be someone else.
When Satu wakes up, she drags Diana inside the castle. Diana is utterly helpless.
Back in Venice, Knox gets a call from Baldwin, who demands to know where he is. Baldwin knows that Knox is in on it, and he lies about Satu being there with him. Baldwin says he better not be lying. Now the reality of what’s happening is starting to sink in: Knox has been lying this whole time.
Satu drops Diana into the oubliette, and she hits the ground hard. Elsewhere, Gerbert’s head keeps repeating the warning.
Matthew grabs a stack of maps and says that they must expand the search area. Marthe knows Diana is nearby because witches can’t fly too far. Baldwin asks again if she’s worth going to war, and Matthew makes it clear.
Gerbert wants to know what happened to Diana, and Satu points to the oubliette. He wants time with her, but Satu’s powers are gone now. She can’t get her out.
They study the maps. Ysabeau thinks Diana is in the South, to Gerbert’s territory. Matthew gets a call from Sarah. He asks Emily what she saw, and when she says she saw a castle and two figures, it’s enough for Ysabeau to realize that Diana must be in Gerbert’s old castle, La Pierre, where he once held a witch captive. Baldwin gets his helicopter ready so they can fly there.
Diana wakes up at the bottom of the oubliette. She can hardly move. Suddenly she starts to dream of her mother telling her it’s time to wake up. She looks up and sees her parents standing there. She wants a story, with no bad parts, but her mother says she has to face the whole story. The story is about being locked in a dark room, and she hears the prince (Matthew) coming for her. She sees a hole in the roof and Diana has to help herself by learning to fly.
When Diana awakens again, she’s alone. She tries to climb the walls but she can’t.
The helicopter gets close enough for Matthew and Baldwin to jump out.
Gerbert asks Satu what she learned. He shows her the Witch Head so he can understand what happens to witches who don’t cooperate. They hear the helicopter and he hurries off.
Matthew and Baldwin search the castle while Satu uses Witch Head to get her power back. Gerbert is running away while Satu takes the head with her.
Baldwin finds the oubliette and cautions Matthew from going down into the hole, where he can’t get out. Diana’s mother says “it’s time” and she tries to fly. Her father says that magic is in the heart. When she hears Matthew’s voice she’s able to fly to him. He grabs her and they return to Sept Tours.
Inside, Marthe and Matthew help Diana inside and Ysabeau says she’s glad Diana is safe. Matthew vows to never let her go again. Ysabeau’s eyes are full of sympathy when she looks at Diana.
Matthews asks what happened and Diana explains that Satu tried to rip her apart. When Matthew looks at Diana’s back, he and Ysabeau realize that Satu branded her with his insignia. Diana wants to see what happened to her, and she’s proud that Satu’s magic didn’t work.
Gerbert looks around the castle. The ground is still smoldering. He finds Satu’s magic drum and tastes her blood so that he can find her.
Diana sips some tea while Matthew brings her some food. She asks if he killed Gillian and he says he didn’t, but he should have. She makes him promise that he won’t go after Satu. She wants to go after her herself.
Baldwin is in Philippe’s office when Matthew comes in. He asks how Diana is, but he reminds his brother that he must bring Diana back with him. Matthew refuses and Baldwin says he’ll disown him. Matthew invokes the Knights of Lazarus to protect Diana, which makes Baldwin furious because he can’t refuse the call. Baldwin says he’ll try to focus the damage at the Congregation to Knox and Satu. Before he leaves Baldwin tells Diana and Matthew that they are going to need to be ready to fight. They will also have to make the next move before the Congregation does.
Satu and Witch Head look at each other. Satu wants to know who she is and what Gerbert did to her. Witch Head says her name is Meridiana, and Satu recognizes her name. She can’t believe that Gerbert kept her alive all this time. She promises to free her, and when she removes the mask Meridiana repeats her prophecy.
Agatha meets with Sophie and Nathaniel. She’s worried about the baby at first, but then Sophie reveals that she needs to know who the witch is who needs the statue. She sees this mystery person in her dreams. Sophie thinks her connection is so strong because she was born of witches. She’s a daemon, but all of her ancestors are witches. Agatha can’t believe they didn’t tell her, but they were worried about the Congregation because a witch born of daemons would be a big problem. Agatha reveals who Diana is so that they can find her.
Satu helps Meridiana to find her peace. Meridiana calls her a “weaver.”
Diana feels different and Ysabeau doesn’t think she needs to be coddled anymore. They think she was spellbound, and that La Pierre freed her magic. Marthe wants to know who might have done this, but it doesn’t make any sense. Only witches who hurt people are spellbound.
A Discovery of Witches season 1 is available to stream in full on Sundance NOW and Shudder.