Will & Grace is coming back for the second half of season 2, but it’s not back just yet. Here’s what you need to know about the hit show’s return.
NBC’s hit comedy Will & Grace, the reboot that launched a thousand reboots, is coming back for the second half of season 2 but fans will have to wait until January 31 to see Will, Grace, Karen and Jack in 2019.
Will & Grace has been back for two seasons and it’s showing no signs of slowing down. The show is so popular that NBC has already given the go-ahead for season 3, which will also feature 18 episodes.
It’s important to note that when the show returns it will air at a new time, 9:30 p.m., as it follows Brooklyn Nine-Nine in the new year. Given both Will & Grace and Nine-Nine’s popularity, this move shouldn’t hurt either show, and in fact it could help them both in the ratings.
Will & Grace bowed for the winter break back in December and it returns on January 31 for the final ten episodes of the show’s second second season. Yes, second second season. The show, which is currently a reboot of the original that aired ten years ago, is in its second reboot season, and for the sake of keeping track it’s being called season two. Technically the second second season would be the show’s tenth season chronologically, so if you’re looking to binge the earlier seasons you might need to check the original airdate to make sure you have the early version and not the current reboot. Yes, it’s a little confusing.
Fans who tuned in ten years ago for the original show have certainly enjoyed seeing their old friends again while new fans have discovered Will & Grace anew. With so many topics to choose from these days, there’s no shortage of stories to explore. In fact, now is the perfect time for Will & Grace to come back to the airwaves, and so far they haven’t disappointed. The show has performed better than any other reboot to date, setting the bar incredibly high for any reboots that follow.
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Will & Grace will return January 31 at 9:30 p.m. on NBC.