Is The Flash new tonight March 26?

The Flash -- "O Come, All Ye Faithful" -- Image Number: FLA507a_0538b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Jessica Parker Kennedy as XS and Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved
The Flash -- "O Come, All Ye Faithful" -- Image Number: FLA507a_0538b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Jessica Parker Kennedy as XS and Grant Gustin as The Flash -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW -- © 2018 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

After Barry was hit with the revelation about Nora’s friendship (alliance?) with his worst enemy The Flash is taking a few weeks off.

Last week The Flash ended with Nora’s secret, her work with Eobard Thawne, finally coming out. Even though Thawne urged Nora to come clean to her parents early on in the episode it was Sherloque Wells who finally put together both that Nora was working with someone and who she was working with, and he was the one who broke it to Barry and Iris.

The question is why. Whenever he appeared on the show in seasons past, Thawne always had a bigger plan. It might not have worked out, but it was there. So little of Thawne has been seen in season 5 that it’s impossible to say what his plan is, but he was trying to manipulate the timeline for some reason. And it almost seems like that isn’t going to come out until next year. So much of the time on season 5 has been focused on Cicada that bringing Thawne in for just the final stretch seems like a waste. Especially when we now know he was the one who sent Nora back in time. Could it all be building to the Elseworlds crossover in season 6 that has already been teased and confirmed throughout the Arrowverse?

It certainly seems like Team Flash will have enough on their hands this season with the emergence of Grace-Cicada. She took Orlin-Cicada’s power dampening capabilities and turned them up a few notches. He was always dependent on his dagger, so they were able to talk to him by asking it away. Grace has her own weapons, but they don’t seem as integral to what she does. Also, her ability to control the abilities of her enemies, rather than just take them away temporarily, is a bit harder to counter.

The Flash will return on April 16 with episode 18 “Godspeed.”

It was revealed earlier this year that the villain Godspeed from the comics would be making an appearance, so this would seem like a logical place for him to show up, but there’s no indication of that in the trailer, instead it focuses on Nora and Thawne.