WWE 205 Live recap for April 16, 2019: Cedric Alexander vs Oney Lorcan

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WWE 205 Live is back with the aftermath of the Superstar Shake-Up featuring Cedric Alexander vs Oney Lorcan in the main event.

This week’s episode of WWE 205 Live starts with a video package narrated by Tony Nese highlighting the cruiserweight division. Nese reveals that he is looking to see who will step up to become the next contender for his Cruiserweight Championship. Cedric Alexander moving up to Monday Night Raw and Buddy Murphy moving up to SmackDown leaves the brand in need of new stars to step up.

205 Live general manager Drake Maverick joins the usual trio of Aiden English, Nigel McGuinness and Vic Joseph on commentary. Joseph asks Maverick about the future of Alexander and Maverick states that he wants to thank Alexander for all his contributions for the cruiserweight division. The opening match is set for a fatal four-way between four 205 fixtures.

Akira Tozawa vs Mike Kanellis vs Ariya Daivari vs Gran Metalik

Lucha House Party comes to the ring welcoming the Montreal fans to 205 Live. Maria Kanellis accompanies Mike Kanellis to the ring as usual, but Brian Kendrick is not in Akira Tozawa’s corner tonight. The heels Daivari and Kanellis take control of the match forming an alliance to slow down their common enemies.

Daivari and Kanellis turn on each other outside of the ring leading to a powerbomb from Daivari to Kanellis on the floor. Tozawa’s spinning kick welcomes Daivari back into the ring and lands him a two-count before Metalik breaks it up. The match picks up the speed with Metalik and Tozawa exchanging exciting moves.

Metalik continues to seize control with a beautiful hurricanrana to Daivari. Tozawa then dives over the top rope to land on all his opponents. The pairing of Kanellis and Tozawa find their way into the ring together to continue their rivalry that’s been going on over the past month.

Tozawa has the match in control heading to the top rope, but Maria gets on the apron to distract him, shades of a few weeks ago. Mike makes his way up there as well until Tozawa battles back to fight him off and shove him back down. The Senton from Tozawa was blocked by Kanellis as he hits his finishing move.

Metalik attempts to break up the pin with an elbow drop but Mike moves out of the way and tosses him over the top rope. Daivari comes out of nowhere to toss Mike over the top rope as well, stealing the pinfall over Tozawa to get the victory.

Winner: Ariya Daivari

Commentary references that Daivari remains undefeated in 2019 and this could put him in contention for a Cruiserweight Championship title shot.