Being the Elite recap for May 13, 2019: Tag Team Action!

Via Matt Jackson's (@mattjacksonyb) IG
Via Matt Jackson's (@mattjacksonyb) IG

A weekly recap of the hit YouTube series Being the Elite, featuring the stars of AEW like the Young Bucks, Kenny Omega, Cody Rhodes and others.

Being the Elite opens up this week with the Young Bucks, Matt and Nick Jackson, greeting Peter Avalon, one of the would-be AEW Librarians. This entire opening segment featured the three of them poking fun at WWE for not granting wrestlers their releases when they ask for them.

Avalon says he doesn’t want there to be two Librarians and he wants his release. The Bucks refuse and tell him he can sit at home and collect money and be with his family. It’s honestly pretty funny, and it puts things into perspective about how silly WWE is being about not letting their talents out of their deals and preferring to pay them to sit at home instead.

After the 8-bit opening, we go back to Cody’s home. MJF is recording Cody jumping into the pool and MJF completely marks out over it. He calls the dive a “perfect 10” and takes a shot at Shawn Spears (the former Tye Dillinger). One would imagine that Spears will arrive in AEW later this year after his WWE no-compete clause expires. So the name drop made perfect sense.

Next, we go to the Bucks and Brandon Cutler, with Cutler being the first person to draw his card for the Casino Battle Royale. They tell him not to tell anyone what card he draws, so of course as soon as he does the Bucks ask him what he got but he won’t tell them. They said he passed the test but they also seriously wanted to know what he got. Cutler still refused.

Matt and Nick told him if he drew the Joker card that the entire fan base would be disappointed and tried to get him to tell him what he picked, but he still refused. Obviously, he didn’t draw the Wild Card (in our opinion) but it was funny for the Bucks to mention the fact that they know whoever the draws the Wild Card has to be a big surprise. Hopefully, they won’t let us down.

From there, we cut to a promo we saw late last week from Angelico, formally of Lucha Underground, talking about his future in professional wrestling. In the end, he is looking at a contract and his tag team partner Jack Evans calls him and asks if he’s ready. Angelico says the real question is “if everyone is ready for them,” and it’s revealed they are the newest tag team signed to All Elite Wrestling.

They go back to the Young Bucks at Joey Ryan’s wrestling promotion, BAR Wrestling, and say they are there to sign someone to an AEW contract. It’s obviously teased that it’s going to be Ryan, and they will come back to this later on in the episode.

Before they do, however, we are taken to So Cal Uncensored spoofing American Idol in China, looking over different acts and trying to pick their favorites. They end up picking a trio that calls themselves Shanghai China Uncensored. The facial expressions from Kazarian, Sky, and Daniels are fantastic. No description could do them justice — it’s just one of those segments that has to be viewed to be understood.

The cameras cut back to BAR Wrestling briefly, and Ryan is showing Nick his new t-shirt on his cell phone, which distracts him when he’s supposed to be filming a new move Matt is trying out in the ring. It’s very clear after the last two episodes that the Young Bucks will be breaking out some new moves at Double or Nothing that we haven’t seen from them before.

We then go to a training montage for Hangman Adam Page, using “Michael’s Secret Stuff” from Space Jam that PAC sent to him last week. It has certainly seemed to give him newfound motivation, saying that he feels bigger and skinnier. They then show the Bucks watching the footage and they agree that it’s working.

If you recall a few weeks back, the Bucks questioned if they had Hangman’s new address or not. It could end up being revealed that this package wasn’t from PAC at all, and it was really a package sent from Matt and Nick to Page to give him the proper mental motivation he needed to become “full gear ready” for Double or Nothing. If they reveal to Page on May 25 that “Michael’s Secret Stuff” is water, just like in the movie, that will be a pretty funny moment.

They then return to BAR Wrestling as the Young Bucks make their way to the ring with Ryan already standing in it. They congratulate him on finally getting out of his lifetime Lucha Underground contract. They tell Ryan they are happy to see him be able to defend himself again, and they know it’s been tough for him since “the blonde girl” (Candice LeRae) left. Nick announces that they are there to sign someone to an AEW contract.

Ryan cuts them off and says he knows they need to film content for Being the Elite, but he tells the Bucks that he has multiple offers on the table, and on top of learning how to defend himself he has hired a lawyer to read contracts before he signs them. He apologizes to the Bucks and says he can’t sign anything until he reads it.

Unfortunately for Ryan, Matt informs him that while this is a bit awkward, they aren’t there for him. They turn around and look at referee Rick Knox, who seems to immediately get emotional. They put him over pretty hard and tell him they want to give him a full-time job doing this so he can quit his day job.

They ask him to be their referee for their match with the Lucha Bros at Double or Nothing and every event after that. He shakes their hand and accepts, and tells them thank you. If he wasn’t aware that this was going to happen he played it up very well. There definitely seemed to be some real emotion there.

Up next is a brand new segment for Being the Elite called the BTE Mailbag in which they answer questions from fans on Twitter who use the proper hashtag to ask a question. They start with a question asking Matt about who and how they came up with the AEW name. Matt says that it was a team effort that was talked about for many weeks.

He said the original name for the company was WBW (Worlds Best Wrestling). Matt says he didn’t like it and that he felt the word Elite needed to be in there somewhere and it turned into WEW (Worlds Elite Wrestling). They finally came up with All Elite Wrestling, which combined both the names of “All In” and “Elite,” and that’s how AEW was born. Hearing the original names that might have been, I think we can all agree that what they finally settled on was the best choice.

A fan asks Kenny Omega if he will be using a new entrance theme or not, and he offers a long explanation, but long story short Omega will, in fact, be debuting a new entrance theme at the MGM Grand for Double or Nothing. We know some people won’t be happy with this but honestly, if Omega didn’t have full rights to his New Japan theme it makes perfect sense that he had to get himself a new one.

They end the mailbag with Page. A fan is brewing a beer for Double or Nothing and wanted some feedback on some names that he’d like to call it. They all had a couple of name suggestions, but Page was hoping he would call it the “Full Beer Challenge,” after him.

Afterward, they go back to Omega who thanks everyone for sending in questions for the mailbag and decides that it’s time to announce another match for Double or Nothing — the second women’s match on the show, a six-woman tag team match featuring Aja Kong, Yuka Sakazaki and Emi Sakura against Hikaru Shida, Riho and Ryo Mizunami. This should be a fantastic contest that will really help set the AEW Women’s division apart from anything else we see in the United States right now. If you don’t know these names right now, don’t worry — you will soon enough.

At the end of the show, the Young Bucks decide to call Trent Beretta and confront him about the ransom note the Best Friends sent them last week. They introduce Beretta to all of their children and guilt trip him terribly. He apologizes and says it wasn’t him and puts all the blame on Chuck Taylor. The Bucks want to know what the problem is. Beretta admits the problem is they don’t want to be in the battle royal, they want to be “in tag team action.”

So the Bucks give in and put the Best Friends on the show against the newly-signed Angelico and Jack Evans. Beretta is obviously pleased as he lights up a cigarette afterward (and coughs a few times) as the show ends for this week.

That’s it for this week’s edition of Being the Elite. The show has certainly been picking up steam the last couple of weeks leading into Double or Nothing and it will be very interesting to see what turn, if any, the show takes after May 25.

Did you enjoy the show this week? What was your favorite part? Are you excited about the newly-announced matches at Double or Nothing? Sound off in the comments section below!