Grumpy Cat passed away, but she leaves behind a meme legacy that will not be forgotten.
Every once in a generation, a celebrity comes along and reminds us of all the good in the world. 7 years ago we were introduced to an adorable cat named Tardar Sauce, who brought laughter to so many people. People loved the grumpy look on her face, and the “Grumpy Cat” meme sent the internet and the world into a frenzy.
Unfortunately, Grumpy Cat passed away on May 14th after complications due to a urinary tract infection. She may be gone, but the laughter she brought to our lives from the Grumpy Cat memes will always be here. Here a is a tribute to Grumpy Cat: the meme, the myth, the kitten.

The Rise of Grumpy Cat
In 2012, one of Tardar Sauce’s owner’s brothers Bryan Bundesen posted a picture of Grumpy Cat onto to Reddit, and she immediately became a meme sensation. Other users used the pictures of the kitty to create memes that were cynical and highlighted the annoyances of everyday life. Grumpy Cat became the face of the internet negativity of cynicism and was extremely relatable.

This lovable little furball quickly spread across the internet and made her way into every corner of our lives. Soon, she was on T-shirts, mugs, and posters, spreading her cute negativity across the world.

Grumpy Cat was awarded MSNBC’s Cat of Year Award 2012, and Buzzfeed’s Meme of the Year award in 2013. Everybody loved the way Grumpy Cat represented life’s little annoyances, and the awards reflected that. To be honest she deserved an Oscar and a Grammy.

Grumpy Cat Takes The World By Storm
After a meteoric rise from meme to celebrity, Grumpy Cat started popping up everywhere in the media. She was on morning talk shows, she appeared on tv shows such as American Idol and the Bachelor, she even wrote her own book that highlighted her life.
No matter what social media site you were using, you could not escape Grumpy Cat and her feelings towards the world.

Grumpy cat landed a Friskies sponsorship deal, made an appearance at SXSW and had a Time Magazine photo shoot. Her jokes earned her every second of her fame.
Time and time and again people fell in love with the grumpy bot lovable kitty, and she had the world in the palm of her paws.

With a cat this cute, what was not to love? The meme came to life when Lifetime made a Grumpy Cat movie. However, nothing could ever replace the original meme. in 2016, she made an appearance on a Disney Chanel show, and that was her last major appearance.
Unfortunately, Grumpy Cat passed away due to complications with a urinary tract infection. She was taken from us too young at the age of 7. Tributes poured out on social media as people remember the kitty that brought so much laughter to the world. Her legacy will live on forever in meme heaven.
R.I.P., Grumpy Cat.
— The New Yorker (@NewYorker) May 17, 2019
Grumpy Cat helped us all express our frustration and annoyance with the world in a cute and loveable way. We will always have the memes, and the joy she brought to this world. Pour out some catnip for our lost sister.

RIP Grumpy Cat 2012-2019