NXT UK recap for June 19, 2019: You wouldn’t Download a Festival

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A crystal clear title picture

Not taking being talked down to by someone more than half a year his junior lightly, Travis Banks emerges to set the young whipper-snapper WALTER straight. He lets the Ring General know that having the match next week is perfectly fine by him. Oh great! That would have been quite the scheduling snafu.

Banks also lets WALTER know that he has worked for years to get to this moment, so WALTER better bring everything he’s got. Which, duh, of course he will. He probably literally will. WALTER has a stable of dudes at his side and loves to cheat to win, it’s been well-established in his last two matches. So if Travis Banks means “everything,” he very well might get everything. Hell, it seems to be a recurring theme in WALTER matches, maybe a fifth member of Imperium will debut to help him win.

In the tag team division, Grizzled Young Veterans are being forced against their will to defend their titles in two weeks. Their opponents: the team they beat at TakeOver Blackpool to become the inaugural NXT UK Tag Team Champions, Moustache Mountain. If you listen closely during Radzi’s interview with Moustache Mountain where he reveals the match, you can hear Zack Gibson screaming in rage.

It’s about time for Moustache Mountain to get another shot as they are really the only tag team both competing and winning on a regular basis at the moment. They have their hands full with Imperium and Pete Dunne has suddenly gone missing while walking the moors of Scotland or something, but they’re up for it. Someone has to be, because if they lose, there’s no other real challengers on the horizon, and Grizzled Young Veterans may never defend their titles ever again!


And of course, Kay Lee Ray is the new No. 1 contender to Toni Storm’s NXT UK Women’s Championship, entitled to the match whenever she wants it. But will she tell us exactly when? Ha! Nice try, disembodied NXT UK backstage interviewers. Nice try.

That just about wraps it up for this NXT UK recap. For the record, Aiden English is good on commentary. Satisfied with Kay Lee Ray becoming No. 1 contender? Did you forget about her? Will Xia Brookside ever get a win? Let us know your thoughts on those questions and anything else from this episode of NXT UK down in the comments below. And if you enjoyed this whole thing, give it a share on social media!