Being the Elite recap: Escalera de la Muerte

Courtesy of AEW's Twitter
Courtesy of AEW's Twitter

Being the Elite is a weekly YouTube series that features The Elite and their friends to build AEW’s characters and storylines. New episodes posted every Monday.

Episode 162 of Being the Elite opens with Peter Avalon going into the Executive Vice President’s office. He talks to the camera about how he can’t see with his character’s glasses and how he hates his Librarian character.

He points out flaws in the character that fans have mentioned online (not being a real librarian, using his library card, saying “shhh” too much). We see Arthur and Trevor’s hands to confirm who most viewers will think Avalon is speaking with. There are fun Vince McMahon references  as they tell him that the writers spend hours writing that character and that “it’s good s–t.” We’re treated to one last reference when Trevor sneezes and Arthur calls him a mark.

The next segment is a couple of minutes of ongoing BTE bits: Billy Gunn making short jokes about Marko Stunt and referee Rick Knox beginning to count out wrestlers in everyday situations. Stunt is in the hallway when he is approached by Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy. Jungle Boy gets down and inspects Stunt by comparing hair and hands. Luchasaurus states that bullying sucks and they have his back. He invites Stunt to go with them.

BTE cuts to a promo with Dark Order. Evil Uno says that fans don’t take them seriously although they beat their two favorite tag teams (Luchasarus/Jungle Boy and Angelico/Jack Evans) at Fight for the Fallen. Dark Order will be in action against Best Friends at All Out. The winners get a first round bye in the AEW World Tag Team Championship Tournament.

It’s time for the #BTEMailbag and it’s a longer segment this week as three wrestlers answer questions. Hangman Page says many people have asked if he will ride a horse to the ring for his All Out entrance. Page has been pitching this idea himself and keeps being told no.  Another fan asks if the Hangman’s former students message him about how cool it is that he’s facing Jericho. He mentions that he doesn’t check his DMs, but former students who want to go to a show near them gets free tickets, “unless you’re Devonte from 2013. You can suck it.”

Courtesy of Matt Jackson’s Twitter
Courtesy of Matt Jackson’s Twitter

*Matt Jackson voice* Michael Nakazawa answers the question about AEW having a midcard title. He says they might, but he has no chance of winning a serious title, but maybe he could win a Pre-show Title.

Kenny Omega appears in his first segment in a while by answering the question of why he said “boing” instead of “bang” at Fight for the Fallen (this is self explanatory and Omega should’ve answered something else). Omega thought they were off air, but since it was charity show supporting gun violence victims, he didn’t want to use any imagery of guns.

He further explains that he listened to video game soundtracks on the way to Jacksonville and mentioned the “boing” sound in Sonic the Hedgehog. He reassured fans that he’d be back to using his normal catchphrase.

The final segment is the Young Bucks addressing the Lucha Brothers’ ladder match challenge from Fight for the Fallen. They accept and discuss their ladder match history. Matt Jackson says, “maybe they can find out on August 31 if it’s ‘cero miedo’ or ‘cero huevos’.” The promo ends with Matt stating, “to truly know your enemy, you must become your enemy” as they don Lucha Brothers masks.