For a school with a defined appearance that evokes comparisons to the classic Yale look, Brigham Young has tinkered with their uniforms over the past few decades more than one might expect or desire. The classic white and blue that the Cougars wore to win the 1984 national championship and 18 WAC championships under LaVell Edwards has only recently made a full resurgence.
designed by Nike. That led to further iterations that continued to fold gold into the palette as a highly-utilized accent color. Back in 1999, BYU stirred controversy when they wore their now-infamous “bib” jerseys. One of the strangest turns in the evolution of the BYU look, it spawned more regular use of a darker shade of blue than appeared in the color scheme of the 1980s.
While the team has returned to the classic white-and-blue look without any gimmicks or frills, that darker blue has remained in place as a primary color in place of the royal blue favored at earlier points in the school’s history.
More than three decades removed from their successful national title bid, BYU has proven that experimentation isn’t always necessary or prudent. When you already have one of the most recognizable looks in the game, there is no reason why the Cougars ever needed to deviate.