Ranking every WWE SummerSlam PPV in history

Photo credit: WWE.com
Photo credit: WWE.com
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From worst to first, a ranking of every single WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view event in history.

For more than three decades, SummerSlam has been one of the biggest shows on the WWE calendar, has sometimes felt bigger than WrestleMania and has on may occasions been the better show. Yes, there have been a few editions that have fallen flat but that’s going to happen from time to time. So let’s have some fun and take a look back at every single WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view event in history and rank them in order from worst to first.

So how to go about doing this? There were so many factors that had to play into this. I tried my hardest to look at every SummerSlam card from top to bottom and how the event played out as a whole but that’s also not the end-all-be-all. In certain instances, one or two good-to- great matches might be enough to overshadow some of the bad ones and give that show a better ranking.

Where was WWE at the time and how did that play in? Was it a transitional year? Was it a bad year with a good show? Was it a good year with a bad show? Nostalgia did play a part in a few of these. Maybe a match wouldn’t be considered a great one by certain standards but it was so entertaining that it made the show more fun.

Trust me, it was difficult to put this list together. I went back and studied each and every match in order to put the best-possible list together and I’m sure there are readers who will disagree. But that’s what makes this so enjoyable. If you’re reading this, you’re obviously a wrestling fan and if nothing else, I hope you appreciate the effort. So let’s go ahead and get into it. From worst to first, here is our ranking of every WWE SummerSlam pay-per-view in history.
