
Top 15 WWE SummerSlam undercard matches

WWE (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)
WWE (Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)
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2005: Edge vs. Matt Hardy

Many people think this was a wasted opportunity, but the reasoning behind the match is what puts it on the list. Matt Hardy was fired early in 2005, and it was a rather surprising release. While he was at home, his relationship with Lita soured when it was revealed she was cheating on him with Edge. When the news broke, chants were directed at Edge and Lita by crowds around the world. They would ring out with words such as “You screwed Matt,” and other things that can’t be printed here.

It was easy to cut ties with Hardy, as he was always viewed as the less important part of the Hardy Boyz unit with his brother Jeff. After several weeks away, Edge and Lita got the surprise of a lifetime. As the “Rated R Superstar” was walking backstage, he was blindsided by Hardy. It caught everybody off guard, as Hardy attacked Edge and left him battered and laid out. This would happen more than once, and WWE officials had their hands full trying to keep Hardy out of the arena on a weekly basis.

But Vince McMahon was under a ton of pressure from the fans, who were all about getting him to bring Hardy back, and he eventually gave in. He set up a unsanctioned match between the two at SummerSlam 2005.

Hardy wasted no time going after Edge, attacking before the bell even rang. It quickly turned into a full brawl between the two. They battled in the ring, as well as out, as Hardy unleashed a vicious early offense. Thinking quickly, Edge floored Hardy with a headbutt to the face, and then speared him through the ropes. Hardy was able to momentarily get back in control, but that came to a screeching halt. As he was standing on the turnbuckle delivering punches, Edge sent him crashing face-first into the ring post. The impact busted him open, and effectively took him out of the match. Edge moved in for the attack, but the referee stepped in and called the match off.

It was a relatively short match. But the real-life drama that centered around it, and the build for SummerSlam gives this a nod for the list.