Sasha Banks returns to WWE Monday Night Raw, attacks Becky Lynch

Raw got a bit more legit on Monday night as “The Boss” Sasha Banks made her return from her five-month hiatus and attacked Natalya and Raw Women’s Champion Becky Lynch.

What quickly became a chaotic and iconic segment began somberly with Becky Lynch’s SummerSlam opponent, Natalya, standing in the ring and addressing the anniversary of her father’s death. As the crowd chanted the nickname of her father, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, the former SmackDown Women’s Champion teared up and took a moment to feel the atmosphere.

Suddenly CFO$’s “Sky’s The Limit” blasted over the sound system and the crowd erupted as Sasha Banks made her way out onto the ramp for the first time since WrestleMania.

Banks hit her iconic pose and casually sauntered down to the ring. Natalya looked confused until Banks offered her a hug and some comfort. Banks looked to be walking to the corner to grab a microphone but then suddenly snapped and blasted Natalya from the side. Banks ripped off her purple wig, that had been masquerading as her real hair, to reveal her new electric blue hairdo.

Banks proceeded to beat down on Natalya until Becky Lynch’s music hit and a look of frustration came across Banks face. Lynch rushed the ring to defend Natalya and started brawling with her fellow Four Horsewoman. Banks gained the upper hand and started to beat down Lynch over and over with a steel chair. As Lynch lay on the ground struggling to get up Banks got in her face and asked Lynch, “where are your balls now Becky?”

Banks then walked back up the ramp and smiled as she turned to look back at the carnage she had wreaked.

This will likely be the inciting incident for an intense and long Lynch and Banks feud. And if the reactions from the Toronto crowd were anything to go by, then the WWE Universe is beyond excited at the idea of this feud.