A distant relative to Disney’s Donald Duck, The Oregon Duck is, well, the Oregon Duck’s mascot. For a while, Donald Duck actually was Oregon’s mascot, an agreement reached between then-athletic director Leo Harris and Disney cartoonist Mike Royer. In 2010, both sides came to an agreement that freed up The Oregon Duck from the Disney leash which allowed it to perform at a wider variety of events.
Before the costumed duck became a part of Oregon sports, a live white duck nicknamed Puddles frequented games in the 1920s. There was a brief stint in 2002 where a Nike-designed mascot wearing spandex was seen at Oregon sporting events, but it disappeared by 2003. It did have the better nicknames, though – Duck Vader and RoboDuck.
Controversy surrounded The Duck in 2007 when it and Houston’s cougar mascot got into a heated battle during the season-opener. After being mocked for his touchdown celebration (push-ups), The Duck and the cougar got into a WWE-style beat down. Not many times does a duck win against a cougar, but it definitely happened on that day.