Winning WWE King of the Ring would establish Drew McIntyre as top heel

Drew McIntyre is destined for greatness. Winning WWE King of the Ring his the first step. And King McIntyre has a nice ring to it.

Drew McIntyre has all the tools required to become the top heel in the WWE, all he needs is the right push. With the King of the Ring tournament returning to WWE that would be the perfect opportunity for McIntyre to be showcased as a threat for either the Universal or WWE Championship.

There’s a lack of strong heels in the WWE right now. Guys like Shane McMahon and Baron Corbin get despised for all the wrong reasons, with the fans just tired of seeing them. They have what’s referred to in the business as “go away heat” which is a lot different than the heat generated by a heel who knows how to elicit crowd reaction through their promos and actions.

McIntyre is big and menacing. He can tell a story in the ring and on the microphone. But if he continues to lose every other match, to guys much smaller than he is, the fans aren’t going to buy into him as a credible threat. Having him massacre his opponents in the King of the Ring tournament sets him up as an imposing force that can’t just be taken down with a lucky pin.

King of the Ring has been the catalyst for the careers of Superstars like “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, Triple H, Edge and others who went on to greatness after their wins. It’s been a way for WWE to say “this is our guy, we’re going to run with him.” McIntyre is that guy. He was dubbed “the chosen one” during his first run in the WWE, and though he didn’t live up to that esteem at the time, he’s returned with a vengeance. Even The Rock gave his stamp of approval for McIntyre recently when he spoke to TMZ.

"“I think he’s got a great look, great build,” Rock said. “and especially as he continues to hone in on his craft and connect with the audience which is always the most important thing.”"

McIntyre learned from his mistakes and honed his craft on the indies, returning to WWE NXT bigger, darker, and meaner. It wasn’t long before he made his way back to the main roster to wreak havoc. He won the WWE Raw Tag Team Championship with Dolph Ziggler and faced off against arguably the biggest name in WWE right now, Roman Reigns, in a huge bout at WrestleMania 35. McIntyre even stood toe-to-toe with the legendary Undertaker at Extreme Rules and looked impressive doing so.

If there’s one thing that could be tweaked is his finisher. Where The Claymore looks devastating, a man of McIntyre’s size shouldn’t leave his feet unless it’s a last-ditch effort. Otherwise, it’s hard to find a flaw in his game. The man lives and breathes his gimmick. He knows who he is and what he wants to accomplish.

Now is the time for WWE to pull the trigger and place McIntyre in position to becoming the top heel of the company. He has the look, the size, and the skill to be one of the very best for a long, long time. All hail King McIntyre!