As college football celebrates 150 years of existence, let’s look back at 150 of the greatest moments that have transpired over the past century and a half.
Season after season, college football has offered one great moment after another over the past 15 decades. Since the first game between Princeton and Rutgers in New Jersey back in 1869, the sport has grown from regional curiosity to a national phenomenon. Along the way, we have witnessed spectacular comebacks, crushing defeats, gnarly injuries, a push toward inclusivity and integration, and sordid moments galore.
One can look at any given season and find dozens of memorable plays, results, and individual performances. On any given week, ESPN and other sports networks often find themselves struggling to winnow down the highlight reel to a fixed number of offerings. There is simply just too much good college football to watch across the country.
With college football’s sesquicentennial fast approaching, it is always valuable to dabble in a little looking back. Now is a spectacular time to look back at the first 150 years of the game and remember some of the greatest moments that have taken place on gridirons from coast to coast.
Where does your favorite moment in college football history fall on the list? Keep reading for our selection of the 150 greatest moments from across the eras.