Chris Jericho’s missing AEW World Championship title found (updated)

Chris Jericho wins the AEW World Championship at All Out on August 31, 2019. Photo credit: James Musselwhite/AEW
Chris Jericho wins the AEW World Championship at All Out on August 31, 2019. Photo credit: James Musselwhite/AEW

Chris Jericho’s AEW World Championship title was reported stolen on September 1, one day after Jericho won it at All Out.

Break out a little bit of the bubbly and order an Omaha steak — Chris Jericho’s AEW World Championship title has been found.

According to a since-deleted Facebook post, the Tallahassee Police Department posted a picture of an officer holding up the title in question. The caption is directed at Jericho stating that it had been found.

All Elite Wrestling posted the screenshot of the Tallahassee PD Facebook post with the caption “Case solved” and thanking the police department.

Yesterday, news broke that Jericho’s AEW World Championship was reported stolen just hours after he won it. The champion was eating dinner at a Longhorn Steakhouse when his limo driver took luggage back to the airport. Upon arriving back at the restaurant, it was discovered that the belt was missing and police were called.

The Ayatollah of Rock ‘n Rollah poked fun at the situation with a light-hearted video in which he says a worldwide search was underway for his title, which was taken in a “grand heist.”

Other AEW employees got in on the fun too, including AEW Executive Vice President and wrestler Cody, Joey Janela and referee Aubrey Edwards.

It seems that the case has been solved, right? Not so fast.

Jeff Burlew of TD Online and USA Today is the one who noted that the Tallahassee PD post had been deleted. They also say the case is “open and active.” Burlew also posted a picture of a heavily redacted police report.

As of now, AEW is considering the missing title as found. Even with the deleted Facebook post and alleged discrepancies, their tweet still remains. FanSided will keep you updated as more information becomes available.

Update: Burlew has confirmed that Tallahassee police have recovered Jericho’s belt, writing “Someone turned it in at headquarters after reporting finding it along the side of the road.”

No arrests have been made in connection to the title’s disappearance. The AEW Championship, Burlew notes, is worth around $30,000.