A good home-court advantage is massive in college basketball. Which 15 schools can lay claim to the best home-court advantage in college hoops since the turn of the century?
Winning a college basketball game against a D-I opponent anywhere is hard, but the task is significantly more difficult in a road game. A true road game in college sports is a significant disadvantage since each individual arena has its quirks and rowdy student sections that make life difficult for the visitors.
There are, however, several venues which rise above the rest in terms of pure insanity for the opposing team. Those advantages can come down to how loud the building gets, the mystique of history that pervades several of the more historic venues on the list, and building construction putting fans right on top of the action.
For the purposes of this exercise, we have weighed each school’s home record since the 2000 season as part of the grade. This may have disqualified some programs, but it also opened the door for a few newer arenas that have developed a reputation as pure hell for the opposition in recent years.
We’ll kick off our list with a relatively small school, South Dakota State, which has built an unbelievable home-court advantage over the past two decades.