NXT UK recap, October 10: The Frenemy Zone

Piper Niven took on Jazzy Gabert on the October 10, 2019 edition of NXT UK. Photo: WWE.com
Piper Niven took on Jazzy Gabert on the October 10, 2019 edition of NXT UK. Photo: WWE.com
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The Hunt and The Hunks

We failed to mention this last week, but The Hunt got a video package hyping them up again. It seemed a little weird they would since they’ve been on TV for a bit now, and we all know and love our big hairy boys. But, it was necessary to remind us of their in-ring skill and intensity, because they’ve been made to look like chumps their last few outings. Thankfully, they get to look less chumpy — at least between the bells — dispatching Stoker and Howley, the couple of hunks known as Pretty Deadly (Pretty Handsome if you ask Nigel).

Not sure what it is with emotionally abusive relationships in this episode — see Starz, Jack — but Nigel drops the fact that, while this is a hometown show for Lewis Howley, Howley’s own father thinks he’s a disappointment and is probably in the crowd booing. WHAT.

Pretty Deadly do take control for a bit in this one, and look pretty goodly while they have the chance. They soon, however, let success go to their heads. Howley cheap-shots Primate, only riling up the simian-man and derailing all of Pretty Deadly’s momentum. Somewhere, Howley’s father is yelling “SEE?” Wild Boar eventually makes the hot tag to Primate and it’s all over. The duo hit tandem diving headbutts on Stoker to get the win.

The Hunt celebrate, but then Imperium‘s music hits and out come Fabian Aichner and Marcel Barthel. Barthel is livid. “Animals! All I see is animals!” Uhh yeah dude, that’s the point of the gimmick, glad to see it’s working.

He proceeds to say that The Hunt are “defecating” on the mat, which by the way is very sacred, but Primate and Wild Boar cut him off before he can continue. They’ve heard Barthel run through this material way too many times now, and hit stereo suicide dives on him and Aichner.

The slugfest begins, but then out comes Alexander Wolfe to tilt the odds in Imperium’s favor. They throw Wild Boar into the steps and then throw Primate into Wild Boar into the steps, before hitting their pose over the once-again feral chumps.