The top 30 horror gimmicks in pro wrestling history

The Demon Kane. Photo:
The Demon Kane. Photo: /
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22. Jimmy Havoc

“The King of the Goths” can be summed up as a cross between Hannibal Lecter and Jack Torrance.

Jimmy Havoc gained notoriety in Progress Wrestling where he started out as a fan-favorite underdog but then morphed into the greatest villain in British wrestling history.

Havoc attempted to cash in a title shot on Mark Andrews, who had just won the title that night, but the owners of Progress wouldn’t allow the title match to happen. Havoc started to pour gasoline on Andrews and threatened to light him on fire unless the title match was made. Management had to give Havoc the match which he won and became Progress Champion.

Havoc then spent the next 600 days threatening other roster members with knives, steel chairs and his signature axe. Havoc even attempted to cut Will Ospreay’s ear off with a knife but was stopped by Eddie Dennis and Mark Andrews.

Havoc eventually lost the title to Ospreay and left the company for a year due to injury but when he returned he continued his violent ways.

Havoc seems to be continuing his blood thirsty ways in AEW but there is still a whole other side of his personality that the AEW fans have not seen and may end up seeing very soon.

21. Freddie Krueger

No, not the horror movie villain.

Freddie Krueger a/k/a Nightmare Freddie a/k/a Doug Gilbert is the brother to Eddie Gilbert, the booker for ECW before Paul Heyman took the position.

Gilbert is a former ECW Tag Team Champion and NWA Mid-South Heavyweight Champion and is known for his time in the Japanese company WINGS, playing the ripoff Freddie Krueger character.

Gilbert came out in the classic Krueger mask with the infamous sweatshirt and needle gloves. Gilbert found a common ally in another ripoff horror icon, Leatherface, who he won the WINGS Tag Team Championship with.

Trademark issues caused Gilbert to drop the Krueger name for several appearances in his career but he will infamously go down in history known more for this iconic copycat persona.