The top 30 horror gimmicks in pro wrestling history

The Demon Kane. Photo:
The Demon Kane. Photo: /
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20. Jimmy Jacobs

The definition of a spurned lover gone crazy.

The former WWE producer Jimmy Jacobs has a dark and bloody past in companies like CHIKARA and Ring of Honor.

Jacobs’ first descent into the darkness was during his time in ROH tagging with BJ Whitmer and being managed by the beautiful Lacey. Jacobs professed his love for Lacey but received no affection in return. Jacobs went on to feud with Whitmer and Colt Cabana as he continued to attempt to win Lacey’s heart.

All throughout his attempts at winning Lacey’s heart, Jacobs was making MySpace-esque music videos detailing his love for his former manager.

Jacobs formed the stable The Age of the Fall soon afterwards and dismissed Lacey, who had started to show affection towards Jacobs. Jacobs became an almost cult leader-like figure as he feuded with teams like The Briscoes. Lacey left the side of Jacobs to purse Austin Aries and that “betrayal” sparked a nasty feud between Aries and Jacobs.

Lacey left ROH and didn’t return until Jacobs’ retirement match for ROH where she saved Jacobs from a beatdown and walked off into the sunset with his time in ROH now over.

Jacobs was known and is known for his goth attire and signature spike he uses on his opponents. The story of a spurned lover turning into a monstrous cult leader is a tale that can raise goosebumps on many a horror and wrestling fan.

19. The Moth Tribe

The horrifying incestuous brother and sister duo from Lucha Underground, Marty “The Moth” Martinez and his sister The Mariposa shocked audiences back in 2015 when the duo kidnapped and tortured Lucha Underground fan favorite Sexy Star. Martinez was a mentally stunted and violent individual who seemed to pick fights with other wrestlers because he found it fun and Mariposa was a towering Amazon that was looking to empower The Moth Tribe while also protecting Marty.

Marty had infamous battles with Killshot and Fenix as he looked to intimidate his opponents with his creepy demeanor.

Marty’s most infamous storyline was with Fenix and his girlfriend Melissa Santos. Marty developed an infatuation with Melissa and continually harassed her until Fenix stepped in and challenged Marty to a mask vs. hair match, which Marty lost.

Mariposa eventually grew tired of Marty and turned on her brother, as he was not paying enough attention to her. The two eventually had a match in which Marty won with the help of his new manager, Reclusa.

The creepy “keeping it all in the family” schtick that these two played was unnerving as it can get and fit perfectly into a cheesy murder/horror flick vibe.