205 Live recap for Nov. 15, 2019: Rush Hour

Lio Rush on the Nov. 8, 2019 edition of WWE 205 Live. Photo: WWE.com
Lio Rush on the Nov. 8, 2019 edition of WWE 205 Live. Photo: WWE.com /

Here’s the recap of all the high-flying action you may have missed from this week’s episode of 205 Live. Watch the cruiserweights every Friday night at 10 PM.

This week on NXT, Angel Garza faced Lio Rush for the NXT Cruiserweight championship. The pair had an excellent match with the champion just barely retaining. After the match, there was an incident with Garza and Rush’s wife, who was sitting ringside with their children. Garza exchanged words with Mrs. Rush. Rush later spoke of the incident and put Garza on notice.

Aiden English is joined by Jon Quasto on commentary. Quasto is making his commentary debut in his hometown on Philadelphia, PA.

Jack Gallagher vs. Angel Garza

Commentary points out that Gallagher has hit a bit of a rough patch over the last few weeks. English states Gallagher takes too long putting opponents away, costing him victories. “The Gentleman” refuses to shakes hands and immediately puts his opponent on his back. However, Garza quickly takes control with technical maneuvers of his own, proving that he isn’t just a high-flyer.

Garza continues to dominate, even using the ropes as a weapon. English has long been vocal about his love of Garza’s cousin, Humberto Carrillo. In a bit of a heel turn, he has now switched his allegiance to Garza.

Gallagher finally gets in some offense, but it doesn’t last long. Garza is a man on a mission. Gallagher hits a headbutt and runs into the corner, only for Garza to move just in time. Garza rolls up Gallagher for the win and proving English’s earlier point. Quasto points out that Garza had hold of Gallagher’s tights, but the ref didn’t see it.

The Singh Brothers vs. Tim Gange

The Singh Brothers are defending Sumir Singh’s 24/7 Championship. The duo are combining their 24/7 Title champion reigns and tomorrow will be 16 days; that will make the longest reign thus far.

Sumir sings a song from “their next Bollywood movie”, but stops because fans don’t appreciate it. They’re facing local wrestler, Tim Gange, in a two-on-one handicap match. Gange gets some early offense on both Bollywood Boyz. The duo prove to be too much for Gange and retain the 24/7 Championship.

Rush issues a warning

Lio Rush is interviewed after retaining his title on Wednesday. Rush says that Garza is not his match and “its a little personal now.”

Lio Rush & Raul Mendoza vs. Ariya Daivari & Tony Nese

As Nese comes to the ring, he says Mendoza cost him an opportunity at the NXT Cruiserweight championship and won’t like what’s coming to him tonight. Daivari has lost two matches in a row.

Daivari starts off against Mendoza, only for Nese to rush Mendoza and toss him over the rope. Both Rush and Mendoza go over the top rope consecutively against their opponents. The pair work in tandem on Daivari, isolating him from Nese. Nese tags himself in and throws Rush out of the ring. The champ is taken down outside before Nese rolls him into the ring. Nese & Daivari keep Rush in their corner and take turns doing damage.

Nese sent Rush outside of the ring and when Daivari comes for him, he’s ready. Rush is able to get back into the ring and tag his partner. Mendoza nearly gets the pin, but Daivari breaks it up. Nese & Daivari continue to control the offense. When Rush is tagged back in, he takes out both of his opponents. Daivari stops his momentum and Nese nearly pins the champion before Mendoza breaks it up. Daivari mistakenly kicks Nese. Both duos nearly get the win. Rush nails “The Final Hour” on Nese for the win.

Who’s next to face Rush for his NXT Cruiserweight championship? Will The Singh Brothers keep their 24/7 Champion title by next Friday? Let us know in the comments.

Next. Chad Gable is a towering presence in the ring. dark