WWE NXT power rankings: Raw and Smackdown Full Sail

Team Ciampa’s Dominik Dijakovic squares off with NXT Champion Adam Cole of The Undisputed ERA in a Ladder Match to determine which team will have the advantage in the Men’s WarGames Match this Saturday at NXT TakeOver.
Team Ciampa’s Dominik Dijakovic squares off with NXT Champion Adam Cole of The Undisputed ERA in a Ladder Match to determine which team will have the advantage in the Men’s WarGames Match this Saturday at NXT TakeOver.
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With Takeover War Games just days away, the black and yellow brand had some unexpected guests. How does that affect the rankings?

The Superstars of NXT have been in a new spotlight since the move to the USA Network. Fans have seen everyone step their games up to be noticed. Every week, we’ll rank the men, women and tag teams of NXT. Who’s caught our attention in the WWE NXT power rankings this week?

NXT Men’s division

10. Angel Garza

Angel Garza was not in action this week. Though an argument can be made his title match versus Lio Rush was top 10 this year. The best is yet to come from Garza.

9. Damien Priest

Damien Priest was a part of the front line during the Raw invasion and will be in action at War Games. The archer still has only one loss to his name.

8. Pete Dunne

The Bruiserweight wasn’t in action though was seen throughout both invasions this week. He’s the likely favorite heading into his triple threat match at War Games.

7. Roderick Strong

Strong drops a spot this week. No fault of his own, as others have flashed. He’s looked great in the spots he’s picked, though faces a long weekend ahead.

6. Keith Lee

Keith Lee has been a wrecking ball on every single show. Flashing his remarkable athleticism and strength. Wednesday’s show saw him pick up Drew McIntyre like a cruiserweight. All eyes should be on Lee at War Games.

5. Lio Rush

The man of the hour remains in the top five after his incredible performance last week. Rush was a part of the Raw invasion will likely be on 205 Live this week to continue his feud with Angel Garza.

4. Matt Riddle

Who would’ve thought that we would see Matt Riddle take on Ricochet? The match was amazing from beginning to end and Riddle came through for his brand. Riddle and Balor have a real chance to steal the show at War Games.

3. Tommaso Ciampa


Ciampa may be sitting at number three but it’s very clear he is the face of NXT. Going toe to toe with Seth Rollins as the broadcast ended gave fans a glimpse of possibly a future Wrestlemania match. Ciampa is set for War Games and very well could be leading the NXT Survivor Series team Sunday.

2. Finn Balor

Balor picked his spot against Riddle and came up short this week. There’s still so much mystique surrounding Balor which is what keeps him at this spot. Balor with a mean streak has so much edge. Hopefully, it carries over to Survivor Series.

1. Adam Cole

Adam Cole defeated Dominick Dijakovic to earn the Undisputed Era an advantage at War Games. He showed why he is carrying the NXT title and put on a great performance against a larger opponent. He temporarily was the last man standing after the invasion until getting caught by Seth Rollins. Maybe one day we could see that match with a finish.