Is Legacies new tonight, Nov. 28?

Legacies -- "It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough" -- Image Number: LGC207b_0298b2.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kaylee Bryant as Josie, Jenny Boyd as Lizzie, and Danielle Rose Russell as Hope -- Photo: Mark Hill/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Legacies -- "It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough" -- Image Number: LGC207b_0298b2.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Kaylee Bryant as Josie, Jenny Boyd as Lizzie, and Danielle Rose Russell as Hope -- Photo: Mark Hill/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.

This week sees Legacies taking some time off because of Thanksgiving on Thursday. Maybe giving Hope time to reunite with her family.

Last week was one of the biggest episodes of Legacies‘ second season as Josie restored everyone’s memories of Hope Mikaelson. But, before there is anymore fallout from Landon remembering Hope and what that means for his relationship with Josie, Legacies is taking a week off for Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Penelope’s magic spy pen, Josie learned the truth about Hope from Lizzie who got her memories back after being blasted with a black magic spell by Josie. This revelation sends Josie on the path to restore everyones’ memories even if that means loosing Landon. A selfless move that comes after a conversation with her mother Caroline and the first visit of a main character from The Originals on Legacies.

Freya Mikaelson made her first appearance on Legacies and while she spends more with Josie than Hope on screen, it is nice to see the spinoff embrace that Hope really does still have family left in the world. One of the puzzling things about season 1 was that the show was trying to push this narrative that because Hope’s parents were gone, Alaric and the twins needed to step in and become her family.

Except, that The Originals firmly established that Hope’s family went well beyond Klaus and Hayley. All the Mikaelsons would do anything for the youngest member of the original family. This was especially true of Freya who was with Hayley and Hope for the seven years the rest of the family was forced apart by the Hollow.

So, it was fitting that Aunt Freya is the first Mikaelson we see Hope reunite with now that everybody has their memories back. This was the first update on The Originals world post finale. Freya and Keelin are still together and are now raising their son Nik (named after Niklaus) in New Orleans. Based on the end of The Originals, Vincent is the father, making Nik a witch no mater what. The question now is if Nik is another witch/werewolf hybrid inheriting Keelin’s werewolf gene?

Legacies has been good about checking in with past The Vampire Diaries characters even if they never appear. Hopefully, the same will be more true of The Originals characters now that Freya has appeared. It is great that Hope sees Alaric as a father figure, but it would also be nice hear more about the aunts and uncles she has who are also some of the strongest supernatural creatures on the planet.

Legacies will return with one new episode on Thursday, Dec. 5 at 9 p.m. on The CW. There will be two new episodes to start December before Legacies goes on its winter break.