At the close of another calendar year, it’s time to make New Year’s resolutions. As such, here’s one for each and every NBA team heading into 2020.
The end of the calendar year doesn’t normally mean as much to NBA teams since there’s still more than half a season left to play, but for the rest of us, Dec. 31 is usually a good time to start thinking about New Year’s resolutions.
Some of us may jump the gun and actually plan ahead, but for the rest of us, the last day of any calendar year is a time to hurriedly plan ahead for how we plan on living up to that “New Year New Me” hashtag on our NYE Insta photo. Unfortunately, all too often, we don’t even make it through the first month or two of the new year before our resolutions are forgotten.
However, since this New Year’s Eve will enter us into a new decade, and because the NBA is all about trying to plan ahead, it feels like a good time to go through all 30 teams and come up with an appropriate 2020 New Year’s resolution for each one.
Some of these may be confined to the 2019-20 campaign, much like most NYE resolutions are confined to the first few months of the new year, but in any case, here’s the biggest resolution each team should focus on in the upcoming calendar year.