The Canadian Hockey League canceled their season, what’s next for NHL?
In the United States, we have baseball and football, in Canada it’s hockey. So when the Canadian Hockey League announced it will not just be postponing its season, but canceling it caused a bit of a shock. Fans from all over the world lamented in the significant loss to their nations past time amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
“in light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), in association with our three regional leagues the Western Hockey League (WHL), Ontario Hockey League (OHL), and Quebec Major Junior Hockey League (QMJHL), made the decision to pause our season and last week officially canceled all remaining regular-season games,” a press release reads.
The National Hockey League, which services most of the United States, could follow the lead of the CHL and cancel their remaining season as well. So far, the official stance is currently just postponing the remaining games, which were originally scheduled through April.
“We have continued to monitor the latest updates and advice from all public health agencies and medical experts, and worked tirelessly to determine a scenario by which the balance of our season could be played,” the press release continues. “Unfortunately, given the troubling state of our global climate and public welfare, there is still too much risk and uncertainty to move forward in good conscience.”
The NHL should follow suit and allow their players and personnel the time they need without the unanswered question of the fate of the 2020 season.
At press time no official decision had been made.
This announcement comes just hours after the International Olympic Committee meet and agreed to postpone the 2020 Olympics. Just yesterday Canadian Olympics officials announced they would not sen
For more information about COVID-19, visit the CDC’s website or the website for your state’s Department of Health.