Twitter reacts to Tyler Herro’s questionable new haircut

Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images
Photo by Jim McIsaac/Getty Images

Miami Heat rookie Tyler Herro is rocking a questionable new haircut in quarantine, and NBA Twitter had to have some fun with it.

It wasn’t long into his rookie season that Miami Heat shooting guard Tyler Herro started proving he had the skills to back up his on-court swagger. Though he’s come across as your typical shy, soft-spoken rookie off the court, when he’s playing, Herro isn’t afraid to launch, knock down big shots or talk a little trash in the process.

With the NBA season suspended and most people hurting for a haircut by now, we’ve given most of our family, friends and co-workers a little bit of leeway with some of the outlandish hairdos they’ve been sporting lately. Whether it’s hair that’s two months overgrown, uneven attempts to do it yourself or simply going bold with a clean shave to make life simple, quarantine life has led to some unruly hairdos.

Herro’s new ‘do came with some professional assistance, but the thought process feels the same: We’re all in quarantine, so why the hell not try something risky?

The result is clean, but definitely not what you’d expect to see on a white dude from Kentucky — even when the guy in question one badass white dude like Herro.

Because of that, NBA Twitter had a field day reacting to his ballsy new haircut.

The funny thing is, as Twitter user “acl klay” points out, Heat star Jimmy Butler tried to warn us about Herro’s “hood tendencies” before:

Is this a cut we expect to stand the test of time? Probably not. But as this period of social distancing continues and we await concrete news on the restart of the NBA season, Herro picked the perfect time to try something fresh — regardless of the Twitter jokes.