Chick-fil-a Memorial Day store hours.
The coronavirus has thrown everything out of wack. Half of the businesses that are normally open are closed, some have altered hours and some are operating as if nothing has changed. Unfortunately that makes figuring out what is open and closed a bit harder than normal. Each state and even each county within that state will have different COVID-19 rules that could affect the hours of your local eateries so be sure to call before heading over.
Chick-fil-a, the yummy chicken fast-food chain, will be operating like normal on Memorial Day which falls on Monday, May 25, 2020 this year. This is good news as the shop will be closed on Sunday and some of us can’t survive without our chicken two whole days in a row.
This whole coronavirus shutdown has been hard on everyone and it’s really important to support the businesses we love so that they last through this. It’s also important for us to treat ourselves and enjoy the little things in life. If eating a Chick-fil-a Spicy Chicken Sandwich makes you happy … do you. If collecting those Chick-fil-a sauce makes you smile, do you.