Is Home Depot open on Memorial Day this year?
Home improvement isn’t the first thing you think of when quarantine is brought up, but it makes sense that it’s a crutch many have leaned on for their sanity. Whether it’s landscaping projects, paint jobs, or finally building that deck, the lockdown has given those wise enough to stay inside a lot of time to fix up their homes.
Memorial Day has traditionally been a day where these projects take place, so you might be wondering if the COVID-19 pandemic has altered Home Depot’s store hours even further than they already might be on a holiday.
Home Depot Store Hours Memorial Day 2020
If you’re hoping to pick up some tools for any home improvements, Home Depot is indeed open. Not only that, but stores will also be operating at normal business hours so there’s no need to rush.
While you’re at it, try Home Depot’s hot dogs. No joke, they’re pretty legit. In fact, buy one for some workers at the store who have been putting their lives on the line to remain open so you can buy sod, or wood, or whatever the hell supplies you need. They’ll appreciate it and you’ll have tossed out some positive energy to a world that needs it right now.
Home Depot is open on most major holidays, whether that be traditional holidays like New Year’s Day or bank holidays. The only holidays Home Depot is closed for are:
- Thanksgiving Day
- Christmas Day
If you’re planning on going out on Memorial Day, whether your state is reopened or not, be sure to make good decisions and be safe.
For more information about COVID-19 and how to stay safe while leaving your home, visit the CDC’s website or the website for your state’s Department of Health.