8. Scarlet Witch
When it comes to powerful people in the MCU, Scarlet Witch’s name is right there near the top where the unstoppable individuals dwell. Thankfully this HYDRA experiment is on the Avengers’ side because if she ever wanted to go full supervillain, an Endgame-level assembling of Avengers would need to be called upon to stop the wrath of Wanda Maximoff.
Her powers seem to be linked to her emotions as we’ve seen her become incredibly strong during bouts of loss or anger. However, her inability to control these amazing powers has become a considerable liability in the past, even going so far as evoking the Sokovia Accords affair, which sparked a civil war between Earth’s Mightiest heroes.
Scarlet Witch’s telekinetic abilities are off the charts, and the crimson-clad hero can move anything from Mad Titans to hazardous chemicals with nothing but her mind. She can even cause people to hallucinate and see extremely lucid visions of their deepest, darkest fears. The only thing holding Wanda back from moving up the ranks is her inexperience. Everything about her indicates that she is destined to leave behind a legacy where she will be revered for being one of the greatest of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. The only thing she needs is time.