Comparing MLB’s best players at every position from the 2000s and 2010s

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Here we take a look at the best players in MLB from each position in the 2000s and 2010s, comparing and seeing which decade was better.

The 2000s and 2010s were both interesting decades in MLB history. Both decades had their own storylines, their own quirks, their own great teams, and of course, their own great players. Putting together an all-decade team from either decade is a challenge. Comparing the two and trying to decide which decade was better at each position is at least just as difficult.

Yet, that is the challenge that I have decided to undertake here. Below, we will take a look at every position and first decide who the best player was from the 2000s, then from the 2010s. Then, we’ll make a decision as to which decade’s player was better. Some of the decisions were easy; others, not so much.

There were a few decisions to make regarding which position to put a player at. I tried in each instance to put the player at the position where they spent the most time during their decade. In the outfield, I stuck strictly to left field, center field, and right field, as opposed to just picking three outfielders.

I understand that the game was much different in the 2010s than it was in the 2000s, which made the comparisons that much more difficult. Of course, the players from different eras can’t compete against each other, so this is all hypothetical. Still, there are some interesting debates in here, which are sure to generate some great discussion.

With that, we’ll begin our comparisons. We’ll start with catcher, and we’ll move around the diamond.