7. Ugly NCAA basketball uniforms: Marquette Golden Eagles
Talk about a team that has the opportunity to have awesome uniforms. The baby blue, yellow, and navy blue look is a great color combination. They can turn these colors into great uniforms. If you doubt me just check out what the San Diego Chargers pulled off (yes I know that is football but still they are awesome).
Baby blue uniforms can look awesome and Marquette has done it in the past, but yet they still screw it up. Keep it simple and this would be a great set and would really stick out as one of the best sets out there.
The problem is they could fix it about as quick as any other team on this list. Just move the team name to above the numbers. That is it. That would fix this uniform.
But instead, they decided to get cute and put it under the numbers and it is a bad look. Why do this? It’s not like it is a trend in college basketball and they are keeping up with the times. This is an example of people overthinking things and feeling like they need to do something.
Why mess with something that could look great. The Golden Eagles would be one of the best looking teams in the country if they would just correct this error.