Barbra Streisand helps George Floyd’s daughter become a Disney shareholder

Barbra Streisand (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)
Barbra Streisand (Photo by Taylor Hill/Getty Images)

Barbra Streisand helps Gianna Floyd, the daughter of George Floyd, become a Disney shareholder.

George Floyd’s six-year-old daughter, Gianna, becomes a Disney shareholder with help from an unlikely source … Barbra Streisand. Gianna thanked the former Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient on Instagram Saturday.

”Thank You [Barbra Streisand] for my package,” she wrote. “I am now a Disney Stockholder thanks to you.”

The package included her Disney share certificate and two Streisand studio albums, “My Name is Barbra” and “Color Me Barbra.”

Shares of a Disney stock cost around $115 and are starting to go up, before the  COVID-19 pandemic a stock was in the range of $140-$150, according to Variety.

Gianna tragically lost her father George, on May 25, when he was killed by a Minneapolis police officer, Derek Chauvin. Since his death, the Black Lives Matter movement heightened and many celebrities and athletes showed their support to the family.

At George’s funeral service celebrities such as Kevin Hart, Tyrese Gibson, Tiffany Haddish and Ludacris flew into Minneapolis to pay their respect.

Additionally, Grammy Award winner Kanye West created a 529 college savings plan to cover tuition for Gianna.

In the midst of the movement, Gianna continues to advocate that her father gets justice. While she will have to live the rest of her life without her father, she’s hoping others won’t have to do the same due to police-involved killings.

“Please stop killing our father’s,” Gianna posted on Instagram Sunday.

Hoping to spark change in the world, Gianna posted a photo with herself carried on the shoulders of her father’s childhood friend and former NBA player Stephen Jackson.

“My Daddy changed the world,” Gianna wrote.