Lovecraft Country is one episode away from the finale. Here’s what the penultimate episode means.
The clock is counting down to the final episode of Lovecraft Country. And we’re nearly at the finish line. This week, HBO’s Lovecraft Country episode 9, which was titled “Rewind 1921,” was absolutely stunning.
There was so much action packed in this episode, and it all linked back to the events in episode 8. Previously, Dee was under Captain Lancaster’s spell, being haunted by demonic-like creatures that took the form of creepy little girls. Dee was unable to escape them even when Montrose came to find her, and it led to her being attacked by the girls after trying to outrun them.
Now, in Lovecraft Country episode 9, we saw the lengths that the entire family went through to save Dee. And once again, the stakes have been raised even higher as the family tries all they can to save Dee with a certain someone’s help… To review all the spoilers for episode 9, join us in listening to the latest episode of Lovecraft Country Chronicles. And for a full breakdown of episode 9’s spoilers, read on below.
Lovecraft Country episode 9 ending explained
We’ve probably been left off on one of the biggest cliffhangers for Lovecraft Country yet. It is the episode before the finale after all. And now that we know everyone has gone through the fire (literally) to save Dee, things are getting interesting.
At the end of the episode, Atticus, Leti and Montrose’s time travel mission was a success. In order to completely reverse the hex put on Diana, they would need to go back to the original spell, which could be found in the Book of Names. Unfortunately, the Book of Names was destroyed in Atticus’ mother’s house during the Tusla riots. But thanks to the time machine that Hippolyta was able to fix, they could plan a rescue mission to go back in time, grab the book, and use it to save Dee.
As we saw, just at the last second, Hippolyta was able to hold the portal open longer so that Letitia could come back with the book. And they were able to go back to the future. So what’s next?
Somehow, Atticus or the others will be able to use the Book of Names to reverse the spell on Dee. But at the same time, since Atticus reached out to Christina to help reverse some of Dee’s spell, he still has to upload his end of the deal. He’ll have to go back to Ardham to sacrifice himself for Christina’s immortality ritual. Still, Atticus and the crew have the upper-hand advantage because they have the Book of Names. But will they know how to use it as a new weapon in their arsenal? If not, they’ll have to find some other way to save Tic before he perishes at Christina’s expense.
All those answers are unfortunately unknown. And only the finale episode will tell us how the story of Atticus and the Freeman family will end.
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