Fired GM Jeff Luhnow can’t even say the Astros cheated without cracking.
Sit down for this one, it’s going to be a doozie.
In a recent interview which aired on KPRC 2 Houston, former Astros GM, Jeff Luhnow, sat down to talk about the cheating scandal which rocked the MLB and has cast a dark cloud over the team, who were just eliminated from World Series contention.
In the interview Luhnow can’t even say the team cheated without his voice cracking, it’s clear it’s not something he feels comfortable saying outloud. He then repeats is again but just says the team cheated “a little bit.”
How exactly do you cheat a little? Cheating is cheating, no matter how big or small.
“The reality is, the Astros cheated in 2017, and cheated a little bit again in 2018, using just the decoder method, and it was wrong,” Luhnow said.
He would go on to say that many of the people involved in the scandal are still there, one was even promoted.
The people who were involved, that didn’t leave naturally to go to other teams, are all still employed by the Astros,” he said. “In fact, one of the people who was intimately involved, I had demoted from a position in the clubhouse to a position, somewhere else. And after I was fired he was promoted back into the clubhouse. So none of those people faced any repercussions. They weren’t discussed in the report. But the evidence is all there, that they were involved.”
In 2019 it was revealed the Houston Astros had used technology aids to steal signs over the course of the 2017 and 2018 seasons. Many have believed the cheating went beyond those two seasons but only two years were found in the report. The MLB investigated in January 2020 and found the allegations to be founded.