Nick Young channels infamous Swaggy P moment to troll Donald Trump

Photo by Stephen Dunn/Getty Images
Photo by Stephen Dunn/Getty Images

Nick Young trolled Donald Trump with an infamous Swaggy P moment.

On Nov. 7, 2020, the United States of America made history by voting out the presidential incumbent, Donald Trump. But on March 25, 2014, Nick Young made NBA history by creating one of the greatest memes of all time.

Little did he know it at the time, but Young would eventually troll the former president of the United States with that very meme more than six years later:

Nick Young’s troll job of Trump is high-quality content

For those who don’t remember or are unfamiliar, Nick Young — A.K.A. “Swaggy P” — was a member of the Los Angeles Lakers back then. On that fateful day more than six years ago, took a 3-pointer against the New York Knicks with the clock winding down. It looked good. It felt good. And because Young has the irrational confidence to keep shooting no matter how he’s playing on a given night, he thought it went down.

Young turned away from the shot with rapturous glee, extending his arms and celebrating the made 3-pointer.

The only problem was, the ball lipped out. And in that moment, an instant classic of celebrating too early was born.

Fast-forward six years, and Trump celebrated the early results of an election he would go on to lose thanks to the power of perfectly legal mail-in ballots. So in a moment of self-deprecating humor, Young took to Instagram to celebrate the election of Joe Biden, plastering a picture of Trump’s face over his own as the ball bounced off the rim.

Here in 2020, you have to be able to laugh at yourself from time to time. But you also have to be able to laugh at Donald Trump, which is exactly what Swaggy P did in the best way possible.