ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball schedule through Memorial Day announced

Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels (Photo by Jennifer Stewart/Getty Images)
Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels (Photo by Jennifer Stewart/Getty Images)

ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball schedule through Memorial Day announced

It might seem a bit early to already be talking baseball seeing as we just crowned the Los Angeles Dodgers as World Series Champions recently but with the way the world is shaping up, we’re happy for any distraction. And a perfect thing to look forward to is ESPN’s Sunday Night Baseball schedule which was just released.

So jot down the games you don’t want to miss and schedule your DVRs.

Kicking off Sunday Night Baseball is a banger of a match-up between the Chicago White Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels at a special start time of 8:30 p.m on April 4. All other games start at 7 p.m. with the exception of the Sept. 12 game between New York Yankees vs. New York Mets which starts at 8 p.m.

Here is the start time, date and teams for each Sunday Night Baseball game

April 4
8:30 p.m.
Chicago White Sox vs. Los Angeles Angels

April 11
7 p.m.
Philadelphia Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves

April 18
7 p.m.
Atlanta Braves vs. Chicago Cubs

April 25
7 p.m.
San Diego Padres vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

May 2
7 p.m.
New York Mets vs. Philadelphia Phillies

May 9
7 p.m.
Philadelphia Phillies vs. Atlanta Braves

May 16
7 p.m.
St. Louis Cardinals vs. San Diego Padres

May 23
7 p.m.
Chicago Cubs vs. St. Louis Cardinals

May 30
7 p.m.
Atlanta Braves vs. New York Mets

July 4
7 p.m.
New York Mets vs. New York Yankees

July 15
7 p.m.
Thursday MLB second-half opener:

Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees

July 18
7 p.m.
Boston Red Sox vs. New York Yankees

Sept. 12
8 p.m.*
New York Yankees vs. New York Mets