WWE NXT: Edges appears on NXT

Edge makes his first appearance on the WWE NXT brand.

WWE NXT was set for a major appearance as the 2021 Royal Rumble winner and multiple-time WWE champion Edge was set to appear on the show. Not only that, but both the men’s and women’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic continued with another round of action in both brackets.

The night started off with a semifinal match between Dakota Kai and Raquel Gonzalez, who took on Kayden Carter and Kacy Catanzaro.

Kai and Catanzaro started things out with the team of Carter and Catanzaro getting off to a great start. That was, until Kai countered Catanzaro and laid her out with a backbreaker, allowing Raquel to tag in. Carter stuck to her quickness to keep Gonzalez at bay, but it was just a matter of time before she was able to slow things down to her style. With Catanzaro isolated, Kai and Gonzalez began to pick her apart.

Carter got the hot tag and had some high points against both women, even taking Gonzalez off her feet. But even she was overwhelmed, unable to stay on the offense for too long. Catanzaro took to jumping off the scaffolding to take out both women. Catanzaro even hit her specialty from the top rope, but it was not enough, eventually eating a one-handed powerbomb from Gonzalez, who finished with the pinfall.

Leon Ruff had a singles match against Austin Theory next. Theory was ready for Ruff’s quick pace, throwing him around the ring once he got his hands on the former champion. Ruff continued to fight back, but he continued to get ran over by the bigger man. Ruff found a way to get some offense in though, laying out Ruff with a series of kicks. Even with Gargano kicked out, Theory would hit the ATL, finishing off Ruff for the win.

Men’s Dusty Classic continues on

Legado del Fantasma were out next to continue their path in the Dusty Classic against Lucha House Party. Lucha libre was on full display in this match between Latino competitors.

Legado del Fantasma were out to an early lead in the match, isolating Lince Dorado in their corner. The two teams put on their own display of Lucha Libre, countering each other’s techniques and landing their versions of high-risk moves. Dorado’s hot tag gave him the opportunity to put on a display of offense, nearly pinning Wilde for the win. Things broke down as Gran Metalik landed a big Hurricanrana to the outside, but he was not there to save his partner as Dorado took tandem offense in the middle of the ring, setting up the pinfall.

Toni Storm and Jessi Kamea had a single match up next. Storm started out hot, but Kamea was able to take things over for a moment. That was, until Mercedes Martinez showed up and caused the distraction.

Curt Stallion had a singles match against Santos Escobar for the WWE NXT Cruiserweight title. The champion took control of this match early, grounding the challenger to begin picking him apart. Escobar remained in control in this match until he noticed Scarlett watching him from above, causing a distraction that Stallion took advantage of immediately. Escobar took control back though, determined to keep his title.

Escobar turned to a grappling-first style to inflict more pain on Stallion while mocking Scarlett from a distance. Stallion would not go away, knocking Escobar from the ring and then following up with a big splash. Stallion continued to fight back, but he eventually ate the Legado and was pinned as Escobar retained his title.

The main event of the night was the Undisputed Era against Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa.

Cole and Ciampa started out grappling, going move for move with neither man able to gain the upper hand. Thatcher found himself backed into the corner and he took the brunt of the good tag work from the Undisputed Era. They continued to exchange move for move until all four men were in the ring, erupting into an all-out brawl.

Ciampa and Thatcher started to dominate Roderick Strong, keeping him grounded and on their side of the ring. Strong continued to take all the offense but eventually found his way over to Cole, getting the hot tag. Thatcher used Strong to knock Cole from the ring and then laid out the former champion with a slap, dropping him to the mat. The fight spilled outside the ring and as Strong attempted to crawl back into the ring he would each the Willow’s Bell from Ciampa, giving the victory to Thatcher and Ciampa.

WWE NXT Results

  • Raquel Gonzalez and Dakota Kai defeated Kacy Catanzaro and Kayden Carter via pinfall
  • Austin Theory defeated Leon Ruff via pinfall
  • Legado del Fantasma defeated Lucha House Party via pinfall
  • Toni Storm defeated Jessi Kamea via disqualification
  • Santos Escobar defeated Curt Stallion via pinfall
  • Timothy Thatcher and Tommaso Ciampa defeated Undisputed Era via pinfall