After the big game is played, the next day should be one of rest for every American who is too exhausted to work.
The Super Bowl is a tradition unlike any other. Friends and family will gather around the television, some with a name in the fight, to watch America’s past time grace the screens for a final time.
This season will be no different as Tom Brady returns to action for his 10th Super Bowl. On the flip side, Patrick Mahomes‘ career is off to a great start with an MVP and Lombardi Trophy. Will the Kansas City Chiefs be able to grab another over the Tampa Bay Buccaneers?
For three hours, the country will sit back. They’ll be tweeting away their frustrations or cheers. They’ll be snacking on the salty sweets that any other day someone would say was bad for them.
It’s a moment all fans, no matter the age can enjoy. The only problem there is what comes after the final seconds wind down.
Joe Biden should make the Monday after the Super Bowl a national holiday. Sign an executive order and make it happen tonight.
— Patrick Schmidt (@PatrickASchmidt) February 7, 2021
It’s time for the day after the Super Bowl to be a national holiday. Let’s be real, it’s fifty-five years too late from actually being put into law. The 2021 year could be a great start with an executive order being passed by midnight.
Everyone is on board for a Super Bowl Monday off, right?
East coast, west coast, it doesn’t really matter what time zone you’re in. The Super Bowl is an exhausting event for all to even watch. How many times have you been out of breath just screaming at the television due to a great play or a bad call?
It’s even worse in the cities where the two teams call home. Should their franchise win, it’s non-stop partying and celebration until the sun rises the next day just in time to call in “sick” with something. Should the team lose, lots of tears and sleepless nights will be had.
Once you’re at work, it’s the only thing on people’s minds. They want to talk about the game over a cup of coffee. In this case, maybe it’s three or four just to stay awake. And for some who might have had too much fun the night before, it’s a day they really can’t wait will be over.
Everyone always wants an extra day off to relax and sleep in. The Super Bowl is that game that millions stay up late just to watch and enjoy time with the company they love.
Not everyone can get behind the winner of the Lombardi, but they can get behind a day of rest and relaxation. To keep America great, let’s Super Bowl Monday a super cool fun day for all.