Dallas Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott is back on the field, and it’s truly a sight for sore eyes.
Deep in the heart of Texas, the stars at night are big and bright.
More specifically, the star on the side of Dak Prescott’s helmet continues to glow bigger and brighter as he makes his way back from a devastating ankle injury suffered last season.
The Cowboys season seemed lost from the start, but losing Prescott five weeks into the year did them no favors. Dallas finished with a miserable 6-10 record and lost perhaps the most winnable division in the history of professional sports in North America. Mike Nolan’s defense couldn’t stop an ant from crossing the sidewalk and Mike McCarthy’s job security began to be openly questioned as the nightmare season wore on.
But on Wednesday, the words Cowboys fans have needed to hear were spoken in Texas: Dak is back.
Footage of Prescott practicing surfaced online and it’s truly a sight for sore eyes. Not just for Cowboys fans desperate to wash the sour taste of last season out of their mouths, but for football fans who want to see Dak return to the MVP-level he looked like he was on before his season-ending injury.
Dak Prescott shows off his skills for the first time since Week 5 ankle injury
Get the popcorn Cowboys fans. Or the tissues.
Or both.
Back in motion! @dak #3DQBTEXAS pic.twitter.com/vPYv94kzCQ
— 3DQBTexas (@DamianDevon) April 7, 2021
One of the most devastating aspects of Prescott’s injury was it came in a year when he was contractually betting on himself. Dallas failed to give Prescott an offer that was worthy of him signing and the 2020 season was going to be one in which the quarterback proved his worth and then some.
Luckily, Jerry Jones stood by his word to pay Dak what he’s worth. Despite the injury, and an excuse for the Cowboys to lowball Prescott being served up on a silver platter, Dallas gave Prescott a $240 million extension this offseason that paid him a record-setting $66 million guaranteed.
So not only is watching footage of Prescott returning from his injury a sight for sore eyes for Cowboys fans, but it’s money in the bank.