Rays pitcher Rich Hill was responsible for a great moment and an even better Twitter topic based on his legendary nickname.
Rich Hill is an ageless wonder in the game of baseball. The 41-year-old is now with the Tampa Bay Rays and was responsible for a legendary trending topic on Twitter. That is all because of his amazing nickname.
MLB has started the tradition of allowing players to wear nicknames on the back of their jerseys one weekend per year. Hill has gone with “D. Mountain” in the past. If you want to put two and two together, it is a play on his name.
Hill was pitching Thursday night and the Mountain name was trending. See for yourself why.
Baseball is boring, they said pic.twitter.com/7TpmQY3AFn
— Mark Powell (@mp2_pgh) May 14, 2021
Rich Hill causes Twitter to have a NSFW trending topic
The nickname “Dick Mountain” is an all-time great and the fact he threw a 69 mile-per-hour pitch had Twitter ablaze with the jokes.
Dick Mountain, K'ing the Side. 🍆⛰️ pic.twitter.com/3uR0lCvuoL
— Rob Friedman (@PitchingNinja) May 14, 2021
The best part about this is imagining non-baseball fans seeing this Twitter trend. You almost have to click on it to see what exactly is going on and why so many people are sharing this ridiculous name.
At first glance there is not even any evidence it is in fact a name. But leave it up to a Twitter employee to provide a perfect explanation.
Dick Mountain: *strikes out a batter with a 69mph curveball*
— Sierra (@sierrashark) May 14, 2021
Twitter: nice
Rays ace Dick Mountain
— Briana Gonzalez (@bri_gonzalez3) May 14, 2021
Opens Twitter and sees "Dick Mountain" trending. pic.twitter.com/n0fWL5NJck
— Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) May 14, 2021
Hill, or Mountain, had a vintage night with 6.2 innings of work and nine strikeouts. The Rays took home a 9-1 win over the New York Yankees and jumped up over the .500 mark.
But the most memorable part of the night is a Twitter trend that will hopefully emerge again and again throughout the summer.