Even White Sox players think Tony La Russa is way out of line calling out Yermin Mercedes for his big home run Monday night.
The Chicago White Sox are such a bizarre team. It appears the players have risen to the top of the standings almost in spite of manager Tony La Russa.
The latest drama surrounding the club emerged Monday night after a huge 16-4 win over the Minnesota Twins. Yermin Mercedes launched a late home run on a 3-0 count, off a position player, and La Russa made sure to say he was not happy.
Well, his own players already think he is a joke. Reliever Evan Marshall had some interesting Twitter likes that proved the clubhouse disagrees with the out-of-touch manager.
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The La Russa hiring was controversial at the time and remains so now. He just can’t fit in with that young, exciting bunch in Chicago. All he had to say was nothing when it came to Mercedes’ home run. But he just had to make sure everyone knew he was a disappointed man over his own player hitting a home run in a blowout win.
The likes from Marshall are great to see. That clubhouse knows they are a good team and no one is going to take any nonsense from La Russa when he wasn’t even there for the build to this point. The group earned this first-place spot and he only seems to be in the way.
Now fans will wait to see if this reaches a point where La Russa has to go. Such a move may even provide another boost to this White Sox team ready to take the next step into contention.