Jacob deGrom’s New York Mets teammates all have his back on not using illegal substances.
With the way New York Mets ace Jacob deGrom has pitched this season, some people have begun to question if he is using illegal substances to get an advantage over big league hitters.
DeGrom possesses impeccable control and jaw-dropping velocity on the mound. His fastball regularly eclipses 100 miles per hour. His slider can get into the low-90s at times. And he is so thoroughly dominant that he never needs to use his A-plus curveball in most starts. But if you think he is using foreign substances to get ahead this season, just as his New York teammates.
DeGrom’s Mets teammates showed support for him by destroying a Los Angeles Dodgers troll.
Mets players all confirming that Jacob deGrom does not use foreign substances while pitching pic.twitter.com/St32lmbNh3
— Jomboy Media (@JomboyMedia) June 7, 2021
Jacob deGrom’s teammates have his back over illegal substances accusation
What people always seem to forget about deGrom is that he was not initially a pitcher when he went to college. He was a shortstop for the Stetson Hatters, so this explains his rocket arm, as well as his ability to handle the bat at the plate. While he could have been labeled as a thrower earlier in his career, deGrom’s game has evolved into the very best at what he does in the sport.
If deGrom did use foreign substances on the mound to doctor baseballs, no human being would ever hit him. While he is benefiting from a deadened baseball, as well as the infield shift, to say deGrom is cheating is not a great rabbit hole to go down at all. Let the MLB look into things of that nature, whether it be deGrom or anybody else for that matter. For now, enjoy him going to work.
When five of your teammates have your back on Twitter, that speaks volumes on one’s character.