Jeff Van Gundy couldn’t stop himself from saying ridiculous things during Game 3 (Video)

Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images
Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images /

Jeff Van Gundy turned in another gem during ABC’s Game 3 broadcast of the NBA Finals. 

Jeff Van Gundy has a fever, and the only prescription is ridiculous comments on national broadcasts of NBA games.

Van Gundy got into hot water during Game 2 for his incredibly unfortunate choice of words to describe Devin Booker. Van Gundy was back at it in Game 3, this time staying way from outwardly problematic language yet not veering too far outside the lane of nonsensicalness.

Midway through the third quarter, Phoenix Suns guard Cam Johnson rim-rocked a dunk that ate the soul of P.J. Tucker in the process. Tucker was called for a blocking foul, which prompted a review and two absolute mind-melting gems from Van Gundy.

First, Van Gundy wanted everyone watching at home that the review is necessary because sometimes it’s hard to see things in slow motion.

He chased that with saying even if Johnson was going to be called for the offensive foul, the basket should still count.

The last one is a little more forgivable since the gist of what Van Gundy was getting at rang true. Johnson’s dunk was a masterful work of art, and it would have been a shame to have witnessed it and then had it not count.

Still, it’s hard not to listen to Van Gundy on a broadcast and not think that he’s a Michael Scott meme come to life.

Never change, JVG.